

turnitin查重是一款面向学术市场的查重服务软件,它可以帮助用户检查文章、论文、专著、新闻报道以及其他学术研究资料是否已被抄袭或者抄袭的可能性,以确保文章的原创性和准确性。turnitin查重拥有强大的技术团队,拥有大量的知识库,尤其是在学术... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 5分钟左右,高峰期或有延时。
数据库优势 查重报告
覆盖图书、期刊论文、大学硕士学位毕业论文、会议论文、专利、标准、互联网数据,数据实时更新范围更广。 通过对上传文献的详细分析后自动生成检测报告,包括网页报告、全文报告、简单报告和详细报告。













1、选择所需查重系统,点击【立即查重】进入论文查重入口。 2、自己进入相应的查重提交页面,输入论文题目和作者信息,上传Word即可提交检测。
3、turnitin查重支持多方式订单交易,凭订单编号即可提交检测,订单号查询可在购买记录查到。 4、turnitin在进行文献查阅和查重的时候还是比较迅速的,基本上十几分钟到半个小时之内就能够搞定。
5、界面会显示检测完成,并且提供下载turnitin查重报告单。 6、下载turnitin检测报告并解压查看详情。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字











Turnitin 国际论文英文文章查重使用方法

Turnitin is an international paper checking tool that helps teachers, students and researchers to detect plagiari in their documents. It compares submitted documents against its own international database of web pages, journals, books, and previously submitted papers.

Using Turnitin is simple. To begin, create an account on the Turnitin website and upload your paper as a Microsoft Word document. After uploading the document, Turnitin will scan it for any signs of plagiari. Once the scan is complete, a report will be generated that will indicate if any source matches he been found. If matches are found, Turnitin will provide the original source of the information, allowing you to make changes to the paper if necessary.

Turnitin also offers feedback tools that can provide helpful advice and feedback on the quality of the paper. For example, the ETS e-rater® feature can provide automated grading, grammar and writing feedback. Additionally, the GradeMark feature provides teachers and students with a streamlined way to grade, comment and provide feedback on papers.

Overall, Turnitin is a useful tool for detecting plagiari and providing feedback on papers. It is quick and easy to use and can se time for teachers, students and researchers.

Turnitin 国际论文英文文章查重多久时间

Turnitin is an international paper plagiari checking service which can help students and teachers detect plagiari in their papers. It is a powerful tool for academic integrity, and it can check for plagiari in a matter of seconds. This article will discuss how long it takes to check a paper, the accuracy of the results, and the features ailable to help users.

First, how long does it take to check a paper on Turnitin? Generally, it takes only a few seconds for Turnitin to scan a paper and detect plagiari. The time it takes to process a paper depends on the size of the paper and the number of sources that need to be searched. For example, a all paper with a few sources will take much less time than a large paper with many sources.

Second, how accurate are the results? Turnitin’s results are very reliable. Its algorithm is designed to detect similarities between a student’s paper and text from other sources, such as books, journals, and websites. It also checks for similarities between different versions of the same paper, so that students cannot cheat by submitting a slightly different version of their paper.

Finally, what features are ailable to help users? Turnitin provides a range of features to help users get the most out of the service. For example, users can set up custom alerts to receive email notifications when their paper is processed or when new sources are added to the database. Additionally, they can use the “Similarity Report” feature to view the matches between their paper and other sources. This feature helps users identify any areas where they may he inadvertently plagiarized.

In conclusion, Turnitin is an invaluable tool for detecting plagiari in papers. It is quick and reliable, and its features help users ensure the originality of their work. With Turnitin, students and teachers can be sure their papers are free of plagiari.

Turnitin 国际论文英文文章查重价格是多少


Turnitin 国际论文英文文章查重靠谱吗

Turnitin 国际论文英文文章查重靠谱吗?答案是肯定的。

1. 准确性,Turnitin 论文查重系统运用了文本比对技术,可以以高度准确的方式进行查重,不会出现误报情况。它还可以检测出被抄袭的论文中的原文,从而提供准确的查重结果。

2. 效率,Turnitin可以在短时间内完成查重任务,节省了大量的时间,而且它也可以将查重报告以及抄袭部分的原文记录在一起,方便教师们阅读查看。

3. 安全性,Turnitin 把提交的论文存储在其安全的服务器上,保证了提交者的隐私安全,而且它也可以防止学生们抄袭他人论文。

Turnitin 国际论文英文文章查重系统非常靠谱,拥有准确性、效率、安全性等优势,也是当今最流行的文章查重软件之一。