

ithenticate查重是由ithenticate研发的一款全文查重软件,它能够快速、有效地对文献资源中的文献内容进行比对查重,发现文献内容之间的相似度,帮助用户发现文献内容的重复利用,以及文献的剽窃、抄袭等行为,从而更有效的使用文献资源。ithenticat... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 5分钟左右,高峰期或有延时。
数据库优势 查重报告
学位论文库,中文期刊库,互联网资源,共享资源库,自建数据库,以及9000多万篇学术期刊,5000多万篇学位论文,超10亿互联网资源。 四个报告,各类查重参数齐全;检测速度快;安全无痕迹,可自主删除检测记录和报告。













1、点击【立即查重】进入点击查重按钮,论文检测系统入口。 2、点击选择文件,上传论文(Word格式)或者复制粘贴需要查重的论文。
3、选择支付方式,支付查重费用。 4、等待完成检测,五千字20s左右,高峰期可能有延时。
5、可以点击左侧导航【下载检测报告】下载检测结果。 6、查看报告,ithenticate自动生成多份检测报告,提供修改意见,结果准确,来源详细。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字











CrossCheck 学术报告英文论文查重算法规则和原理

CrossCheck is an academic paper plagiari detection algorithm that works by comparing the content of a paper to a large database of other academic papers. The algorithm looks for similarities between the two documents and then gives a score based on how similar they are.

The algorithm works by first breaking down the documents into all chunks of text and comparing them to each other. When two chunks of text are found to be similar, the algorithm uses a set of rules to determine how similar they are. For example, the algorithm may look at the structure of the two chunks of text, the words used, and the order of the words. If the two chunks are very similar, the algorithm will assign a higher score.

The algorithm then compares the scores of the chunks of text with a predetermined threshold. If the score is above the threshold, the algorithm will mark the document as potentially plagiarised. The algorithm also takes into account the size of the documents and the amount of text that is similar, so that large documents with only a few chunks of text that are similar to each other will not be identified as plagiarised.

The algorithm also looks for other signs of plagiari such as similar phrases, repeated words, and similar formatting. It then adds up all of the scores and gives an overall score to the paper. If the overall score is high enough, the algorithm will classify the paper as plagiarised.

Overall, CrossCheck is an effective plagiari detection algorithm that can help identify potential plagiari in academic papers. It is relatively easy to use and gives accurate results.

CrossCheck 学术报告英语论文查重网站

CrossCheck 学术报告英语论文查重网站是一个备受学术界欢迎的学术报告英语论文查重系统。它可以有效地帮助学术作者查找和识别抄袭或剽窃的文献,从而确保提交的论文是全原创的。

CrossCheck 学术报告英语论文查重网站可以检测到潜在的学术不端行为,并向作者发出警告,这样可以避免学术欺诈。它能够检测文献中可能存在的内容盗用,减少了学术不端行为的发生。它还能够检测到学术作者引用的文献资料,从而有效地提高学术作者的论文质量。

CrossCheck 学术报告英语论文查重网站也可以帮助编辑和审稿人更快更有效地进行审查和编辑工作,从而有效地提高学术论文的质量。同时,它还能够提高研究者的研究工作效率,帮助他们更快完成研究项目。

CrossCheck 学术报告英语论文查重网站的出现有助于提高学术论文的质量,减少学术不端行为,提高学术研究的效率,为编辑和审稿人提供便利。

CrossCheck 学术报告英语论文查重是怎么查的


CrossCheck 学术报告英语论文查重入口

CrossCheck is a free service that checks research papers for plagiari. It helps authors check that their work is original and can be used to detect any potential plagiari or self-plagiari. CrossCheck is a web-based program that uses a sophisticated algorithm to scan and compare submitted papers with a database of published material, including journal articles, books, and websites. The program can also detect any potential overlap between the submitted paper and the published material.

CrossCheck is an easy-to-use service that allows authors to quickly and easily check their work for potential plagiari. The process begins with the submission of the paper to the CrossCheck system. The program then uses a sophisticated algorithm to compare the submitted paper with the database of published material. It will flag any potential matches and alert the author to any potential plagiari or self-plagiari.

The CrossCheck system also provides feedback on the paper, allowing authors to make adjustments and improve the originality of their work. The feedback includes the percentage of original content, the number of words that he been plagiarized, and any overlap with published material.

CrossCheck is a great tool for authors to ensure that their work is original and free of plagiari. It is also an effective way for authors to be alerted to any potential plagiari or self-plagiari, allowing them to make adjustments and improve the originality of their work.