

paperpass查重性价比高,采用海量论文动态语义跨域识别技术,通过运用最新的云检测服务部署使其能够快捷、稳定、准确地检测到文章中存在的抄袭和不当引用现象,现已成为国内最可信赖的中英文及小语种论文抄袭检测系统和学术诚信检测系统。检查范围:... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 五千字20s左右,高峰期可能有延时。
数据库优势 查重报告
期刊论文,会议论文和书籍,通过交叉检查从530+领先的科学,技术和医学。 网页报告、ZIP离线报告和PDF简洁报告,支持本地下载和打印。













1、点击【立即查重】进入点击查重按钮,论文检测系统入口。 2、填写文章作者的信息,并且将文章的信息复制到文章内容查看框内。
3、点击【提交论文】按钮并进行支付。 4、paperpass在进行文献查阅和查重的时候还是比较迅速的,基本上十几分钟到半个小时之内就能够搞定。
5、查重完成后,点击下载检测报告。 6、下载的paperpass查重报告为压缩文件,解压缩后用浏览器或者PDF工具打开报告即可查看,完成检测。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字












Paperpass is a software designed to detect and prevent plagiari. It is used by educational institutions, businesses, and other organizations to ensure that all written works are original and free of plagiari.

Paperpass uses advanced technologies to scan written works for plagiari. It can compare the text of a submitted work to other works in its database, as well as to works found on the internet. It also uses a technique called “text similarity analysis” to detect similarities between submitted works and other works.

Paperpass’s plagiari detection accuracy depends on the quality of the text being scanned and the accuracy of the plagiari detection algorithms used. It is generally accepted that Paperpass is one of the most accurate plagiari detection software ailable today.

Paperpass provides a variety of reports and statistics that allow users to view the level of plagiari detected in submitted works. These reports also provide a detailed breakdown of the similarities between submitted works and other works, as well as the source of any plagiarized material.

Paperpass also provides an API that allows users to incorporate the plagiari detection software into their own applications. This API allows users to customize the plagiari detection process, as well as to integrate the software into their own workflow.

Overall, Paperpass is an excellent solution for detecting and preventing plagiari. It is easy to use, accurate, and provides comprehensive reports. It is also highly customizable, which allows users to tailor it to their specific needs.


Paperpass is a paper checking software that enables users to check for plagiari in their papers. It is designed to be simple and easy to use, enabling users to quickly and easily check for any plagiari in their papers.

The software has a range of features that make it an ideal tool for checking for plagiari. The software scans the entire document and identifies any areas of potential plagiari. It then provides detailed information on the source of the plagiarised material and allows the user to make changes if necessary.

The software also provides the user with a range of tools to help them identify potential issues and take corrective action. For example, the software has a keyword search feature which allows the user to quickly identify any words or phrases that may he been plagiarised. Additionally, the software also provides users with the ability to generate reports on the plagiari and to compare the results with other papers.

The software also has an automated system which can detect plagiari and alert the user to any potential issues. This helps the user to quickly and easily identify any potential issues and take action to correct them.

Overall, Paperpass is an easy to use and effective tool for checking for and preventing plagiari in papers. It provides users with a range of features to help them identify and address any plagiari issues quickly and efficiently.


PaperPass is a professional paper checking software which is widely used by universities, colleges and research institutions. It is a reliable and accurate tool to help identify and prevent plagiari.

PaperPass uses advanced technology to detect and determine the level of plagiari in any document. It uses a sophisticated algorithm to compare the text of the submitted document with millions of online sources, including journals, books and websites. The algorithm then calculates the percentage of similarity between the two documents, giving an accurate and reliable result.

PaperPass also includes an easy-to-use interface, allowing users to quickly upload documents and receive the results. Users can also view detailed reports which include the percentage of similarity, the source of the duplicated content and the lines which were found to be copied.

In addition, PaperPass provides a secure online platform which ensures the privacy of users, as all documents and reports are securely stored and encrypted.

Overall, PaperPass is an excellent tool for detecting and preventing plagiari, as it is reliable, accurate and secure.