

查重是一款功能强大的文献查重系统,具有高效、快速、精准的查重能力。查重可以检测文献中出现的重复性内容,如重复句子、重复词语、重复段落等,以及出现在其他文献中的内容,从而发现文献中的抄袭和剽窃行为。查重的范围很广,可以检查超过12亿篇... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 7分钟左右高峰期或许延迟。
数据库优势 查重报告
学位论文库,中文期刊库,互联网资源,共享资源库,自建数据库,以及9000多万篇学术期刊,5000多万篇学位论文,超10亿互联网资源。 检测报告指标详细,提供原创率、抄袭率、引用率、字数统计、参考文献字数统计等数据,给用户最直观的展现。













1、选择相应的检测系统,进到查重页面。 2、输入论文题目,在内容框粘贴您要检测的论文内容。
3、点击【立即查重】,提交成功后等待系统检测完成。 4、等待报告,通常情况下1-5分钟,高峰期可能有延迟。
5、静等几分钟,等待查重完成。 6、下载的查重报告为压缩文件,解压缩后用浏览器或者PDF工具打开报告即可查看,完成检测。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字












Plagiari is an issue that has been around for a long time and is a serious problem in the academic world. It is defined as the use of another person’s words or ideas as if they were one’s own without giving proper credit to the original author. Plagiari can take many forms, including the direct copy and paste of another person’s words without any attribution, paraphrasing without citing the original source, or using images, audio, or video without permission.

The consequences of plagiari can be severe. In the academic context, plagiari can result in an official warning, suspension, or even expulsion from a university. It is also a violation of copyright and can result in legal action. In addition, plagiari is unethical and can damage a person’s reputation.

To oid plagiari, it is important to always cite the source of any words, images, audio, or video that are used in a paper. When citing sources, be sure to use the correct formatting style for the paper. Additionally, it is important to use credible sources, such as books, scholarly articles, or reliable websites.

In addition to citing sources, many universities and organizations use plagiari checkers to detect plagiari. These tools are designed to compare a paper to a vast database of published works and determine if any parts of the paper match with material from those sources. If a match is found, it is flagged as potential plagiari.

Overall, plagiari is an issue that must be taken seriously. By citing sources properly, using credible sources, and employing a plagiari checker, students and scholars can ensure that their work is original and free from plagiari.


Plagiari is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. Here are two important ways to prevent it.

Firstly, it is essential to cite sources correctly when writing an essay. Whether quoting, paraphrasing or summarizing a source, one must provide an appropriate citation. This includes citing not just the original source, but also any sources which he used the original source. This allows readers to easily find the original material and verify its accuracy.

Secondly, using a plagiari detection software is an effective way to ensure that an essay is free of plagiarised content. These software programs compare the text of an essay to millions of online sources, looking for similarities. If any are found, the author can be alerted and the essay can be revised.

By following these two steps, one can be sure that their essay is free of plagiari. This is essential for academic integrity and it is important to take it seriously.


Avoiding mistakes when marking up reference works for plagiari is not a difficult task. It is important to remember that while it is necessary to accurately mark up the reference work, taking too much time on this task can lead to mistakes.

The first step to oiding mistakes is to read the entire reference work before beginning to mark it up. This will give you a better understanding of the material and allow you to make sure the citation is accurate. Additionally, it is important to pay attention to the formatting of the reference work. Many institutions he specific requirements for formatting when citing a reference work, and it is important to adhere to these standards.

In addition to reading and formatting, it is also important to be careful when marking up the reference work. When writing notes or highlighting important passages, it is important to double-check that the notes are accurate and that the highlighted passages are relevant to the work you are citing. Additionally, before submitting the reference work for plagiari checking, it is important to double-check that all notes and highlights are accurate and that no mistakes were made.

Finally, it is important to se a copy of the reference work after it is marked up. This will allow you to go back and make any necessary corrections if mistakes are made. Additionally, it is important to remember that plagiari checking is not an exact science and it is impossible to guarantee that no mistakes will be made. However, by taking the time to read, format, and double-check the reference work, it is possible to minimize the chance of mistakes.