

ithenticate查重系统面向大中专、本科阶段的毕业生,数据库涵盖网络数据、历年本硕毕业数据,结果与学校要求相同——国内知名论文查重系统,运用最新的云检测服务部署快捷、稳定、准确地检测到文章中存在的抄袭和不当引用现象,提供多版本查重系统... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 5分钟左右,高峰期或有延时。
数据库优势 查重报告
9千万学术期刊和大学学位论文,研究生论文、硕士论文、期刊职称论文,以及超过10亿数量的互联网网页数据。 提供修改意见,结果准确,来源详细。













1、选择相应的检测系统,进到查重页面。 2、复制粘贴需要查重的文章或者点击【选择文件】上传需检测的论文。
3、付费自动检测。 4、点击【提交检测】,提交成功后等待系统检测完成(检测时间一般为30-60分钟,高峰期时间有所廷长,具体可以跟联系确认)。
5、检测完成后可凭订单编号下载检测报告。 6、核查ithenticate检测报告,自动生成五种检测报告单,并支持PDF、网页等浏览格式。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字












Online plagiari checker websites are becoming increasingly popular as a tool for ensuring academic integrity. With the help of these websites, students can easily check their work for plagiari and ensure that they are submitting original, unique work.

First, it is important to understand what plagiari is and how it can affect academic integrity. Plagiari occurs when an individual takes credit for the ideas, words, or work of another without giving due credit to the original author. This can be intentional or unintentional, but either way, it is considered an unethical practice. Additionally, plagiari can he serious consequences for the author, from a loss of credibility to expulsion from school or even legal action.

Second, it is important to understand how online plagiari checker websites work. These websites are designed to scan through a student’s written work, searching for any potential plagiari. The websites will then provide the student with a report, which can be used to identify any suspicious material. This information can then be used to revise the work and ensure it is unique and original.

Finally, it is important to understand the benefits of using online plagiari checker websites. These websites can be incredibly helpful in ensuring that students are submitting original work. Additionally, they can be an invaluable tool for teachers who want to ensure the academic integrity of their students. The websites can also help students se time, as they can quickly and easily scan their work for plagiari, rather than manually checking for any potential copied material.

In conclusion, online plagiari checker websites can be a great tool for any student or teacher looking to ensure academic integrity. These websites can quickly and easily scan a student’s work for any potential plagiari, and they can provide the student with a detailed report that can be used to revise their work. Additionally, these websites can be an invaluable tool for teachers, as they can help ensure their students are submitting original work.


Plagiari is a serious problem that affects the academic integrity of students and institutions. It has become increasingly common in recent years, as access to digital resources and technologies he made it easier for students to copy and paste entire sections of texts without attribution. To prevent plagiari and ensure the originality of student work, it is important for students to check their own work for any potential issues before submitting it for assesent. This can be done by using plagiari checking software, which will compare texts to digital sources and provide a report of any potential matches. Additionally, students should always cite any sources they use in their work, and provide a comprehensive bibliography of all references used. Finally, institutions should provide clear guidelines on academic integrity and plagiari, so that students understand their responsibilities and the consequences of submitting plagiarized work. By taking these measures, we can ensure that all students are held to the highest standards of academic integrity.


Reducing the Repetition Rate in Paper

In the process of writing a paper, it is important to maintain a certain level of originality and oid repetition. Repetition is often seen as a lack of creativity and can reduce the quality of the paper. This article will discuss three methods for reducing the repetition rate in papers.

Firstly, using synonyms and other words that mean the same can be an effective way of oiding repetition. By using different words to express the same idea, the writer can oid using the same words and phrases too often. Secondly, summarizing and paraphrasing can also reduce repetition. By summarizing and paraphrasing information, the writer can express their points without repeating the same words. Lastly, by utilizing a thesaurus and other reference materials, writers can find alternative words and phrases with which to express their ideas.

In conclusion, repetition can reduce the quality of a paper and should be oided. By utilizing synonyms, summarizing and paraphrasing, and utilizing a thesaurus, writers can effectively reduce the repetition rate in their papers.