

ithenticate查重是一款专业的文献服务系统,它是一款数据库,可以提供丰富的文献资源,可以检索中国各大学图书馆的文献资料,也可以检索全球的文献资源,能够满足研究者的文献检索需求。ithenticate查重可以查重,根据用户提供的文献,计算出文献的... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 通常情况下1-5分钟,高峰期可能有延迟。
数据库优势 查重报告
图书300万种,期刊3万多种(6900多万篇),硕士毕业学位论文、会议论文各200多万篇,报纸1800多种(1.8亿多篇)。 四个报告,各类查重参数齐全;检测速度快;安全无痕迹,可自主删除检测记录和报告。













1、选择检测系统,点击查重按钮,进行查重页面。 2、复制粘贴需要查重的文章或者点击【选择文件】上传需检测的论文。
3、点击【立即查重】,提交成功后等待系统检测完成。 4、提交后,页面会直接跳转至“检测报告”页面。
5、点击下载检测报告即可。 6、查看报告,ithenticate自动生成多份检测报告,提供修改意见,结果准确,来源详细。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字











iThenticate 学术报告英文文章查重多少合格

iThenticate is an online plagiari detection service that helps academic authors, editors, and publishers verify the originality of their works. It uses sophisticated text comparison algorithms to compare the content of a document to a vast repository of web pages, journals, and other published materials.

The iThenticate plagiari detection service provides users with a report that highlights potential instances of plagiari within a document. The report will indicate the percentage of similarity between the submitted document and the text that was found in the repository. Generally, iThenticate recommends that the reported similarity index should be kept below 15% for the document to be considered acceptable. However, this figure can vary depending on the type of document and the intended use. For example, some publishers may set a stricter threshold of 10% or less to ensure that manuscripts submitted for publication are original.

In addition to the similarity index, iThenticate also provides users with a detailed list of the sources that were used to generate the report. This list can help users to easily identify any potential instances of plagiari that may he been overlooked. Users can also access additional reports that provide a more detailed analysis of the document’s content.

Overall, the iThenticate plagiari detection service is an effective way for academic authors, editors, and publishers to verify the originality of their works. With its sophisticated text comparison algorithms and detailed reports, users can quickly and easily identify potential instances of plagiari.

iThenticate 国际论文英文论文查重多少合格

iThenticate is an international plagiari checking software that helps authors, researchers, and students detect plagiari in their documents. iThenticate is a powerful tool that helps users detect similarities between their documents and published works. It is used to detect potential plagiari in manuscripts, academic papers, and other documents.

iThenticate provides a comprehensive plagiari report with a percentage score showing the amount of plagiari detected. The report also includes a list of the sources that he been identified as potential plagiari. iThenticate also provides a side-by-side comparison of the original work and the potential plagiari. This allows the user to quickly and easily identify any similarities between the two documents.

iThenticate also offers a variety of options to customize the plagiari checking process. Users can adjust the sensitivity of the scan, the depth of the scan, and the types of sources that are checked for plagiari. This allows users to tailor the scan to their specific needs.

In terms of how much plagiari is considered acceptable, this depends on the individual user's standards and the expectations of their supervisors or institutions. While some consider any amount of plagiari unacceptable, others may allow for a certain percentage of plagiari in a document. Ultimately, it is up to the user to decide what constitutes acceptable plagiari.

iThenticate is a powerful and useful tool for detecting plagiari. It is an effective way to ensure that authors, researchers, and students are producing original work. It is also an invaluable tool for those who need to verify the originality of the content they are working with.