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Techniques to Reduce Plagiari Rate

Plagiari is a serious issue in academic writing, and it is important to obtain the highest possible originality rate for papers. In order to achieve this goal, there are several techniques that can be used to reduce the rate of plagiari. This article will discuss three of the most effective methods for reducing the plagiari rate.

First, it is important to properly cite sources. This means that all information or ideas taken from another person should be properly attributed. It is also important to provide complete and accurate citations, as this will ensure that the paper is as original as possible. Additionally, it is important to use quotation marks when quoting directly from a source, to ensure that it is properly attributed.

Second, it is important to use paraphrasing when summarising information from another source. Paraphrasing involves rewriting the information in one’s own words, which makes it more difficult for a plagiari detection software to detect. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the paraphrased information is still properly attributed to the source, as this will ensure that the paper is as original as possible.

Finally, it is important to use reliable sources. This means that all information taken from another person should come from a credible source, such as a peer-reviewed journal or an academic website. Additionally, it is important to double-check the information to ensure that it is accurate, as this will help to reduce the chances of plagiari.

Overall, there are several techniques that can help to reduce the rate of plagiari in academic writing. By properly citing sources, using paraphrasing, and using reliable sources, one can ensure that their paper is as original as possible. By following these techniques, one can obtain the highest possible originality rate for their paper.


There are many ways to reduce the rate of paper plagiari. The most effective way is to improve the quality of the paper and make it as original as possible.

Firstly, after collecting the resources and materials, it is important to understand the material thoroughly. Analyze and interpret the material accurately and make sure that the paper is written in one's own words. This will help to oid any kind of plagiari.

Secondly, citing the sources correctly is also an effective way to reduce the rate of plagiari. Citing the sources will help to make the paper more authentic. Moreover, it is important to cite the sources correctly.

Thirdly, paraphrasing is also an effective way to reduce the rate of plagiari. It is important to use one's own words to explain the ideas and concepts of the original source. This will make the paper more original and it will be less likely to be detected as plagiari.

Finally, it is important to check the paper for any kind of plagiari. There are many tools ailable on the internet which can help to detect plagiari. It is important to use these tools to check the paper before submitting it.

In conclusion, there are many ways to reduce the rate of paper plagiari. It is important to use one's own words to explain the ideas and concepts, cite the sources correctly, and check the paper for plagiari. This will help to make the paper more original and reduce the rate of plagiari.