

turnitin查重是一款面向学术研究者的查重系统,它可以帮助研究者检索、检测、识别、快速鉴定和有效分析论文,提高作者的科学研究质量。turnitin查重拥有全面、完整的学术数据库,支持中、英、日文等多种文档格式,可以帮助学术研究者快速搜索、检测... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 5万字以内,平均5分钟左右。
数据库优势 查重报告
上亿篇学术期刊、会议、硕士毕业论文、专利数据、报纸数据,覆盖国内核心刊物。 提供修改意见,结果准确,来源详细。













1、打开点击查重按钮,论文查重页面。 2、复制粘贴需要查重的文章或者点击【选择文件】上传需检测的论文。
3、点击【立即查重】,提交成功后等待系统检测完成。 4、系统开始检测,5万字以内,平均5分钟。
5、界面会显示检测完成,并且提供下载turnitin查重报告单。 6、查看报告,turnitin自动生成多份检测报告,提供修改意见,结果准确,来源详细。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字











Turnitin 学术报告英文文章查重网址

Turnitin is an online plagiari detection tool that helps teachers, students and institutions to identify, detect and prevent plagiari. It is also used to track academic progress and help ensure academic integrity. It can be used to check the originality of essays, research papers, theses and other academic documents.

Turnitin uses a sophisticated algorithm to compare documents against its extensive database of web pages, journals, and previously submitted student works. It then generates a report that includes an overall Originality Score and a Similarity Report. This report highlights the matching text and provides a link to the source, so that you can verify the originality of the document.

Turnitin is an effective tool to help identify potential instances of plagiari. It is important to note that Turnitin cannot definitively determine if a document is plagiarized since it relies on an algorithm to compare documents. Therefore, it is important to review the Similarity Report and verify the sources.

To use Turnitin, you need to create an account with a username and password. Once you he your account, you can submit your documents, which Turnitin will then scan and generate a report. This report will be visible only to you and the instructor.

Turnitin can be accessed at https,//www.turnitin.com.

Turnitin 学术报告英文文章查重怎么样

Turnitin as an Academic Report Plagiari Checker

Plagiari is a major problem in academia, and checking for plagiari has become a necessity for any academic report. Turnitin is one of the most widely used tools to check for plagiari in academic reports. This essay will discuss the features of Turnitin that make it the preferred choice for plagiari checking, how it can be used effectively, and the limitations of Turnitin.

First, Turnitin is a powerful tool for detecting plagiarized content and is used by many universities and schools. It has a very large database of online sources and journals, and it also has a large repository of previously submitted papers. This allows it to quickly compare a document against these sources and identify any potential plagiari. Additionally, it has a powerful algorithm that can identify subtle similarities between documents, which makes it more effective at detecting plagiari than other tools.

Second, Turnitin can be used effectively for academic reports. It is easy to use and can be set up to automatically check documents against its database. It also generates reports that are easy to understand and can help identify areas where plagiari has occurred. It also provides feedback to help the user understand how to improve their writing and oid plagiari in the future.

Finally, Turnitin has some limitations. It cannot detect plagiari in documents that are not in its database, such as self-published works. Additionally, it cannot detect intentional plagiari, as it relies on algorithms to detect similarities. Finally, it can sometimes flag false positives, which can lead to mistakes in its reports.

In conclusion, Turnitin is an excellent tool for checking for plagiari in academic reports. It has a large database and powerful algorithms for detecting similarities, and its reports are easy to understand. However, it cannot detect all types of plagiari, and it can generate false positives. Nevertheless, it is still the preferred choice for plagiari checking in academia.