

万方查重是一款在线文献查重工具,是由万方数据科技有限公司推出的文献科研查重工具,它支持多种文献类型,如学位论文、文章、报告、论著、数据库等,提供全文查重和语义查重等多种方式,可以有效地检测文献重复率、重复篇数以及重复程度,为科研人... 详细

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中文与英文等小语种 5万字以内,平均5分钟左右。
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5、静等几分钟,等待查重完成。 6、下载的万方查重报告为压缩文件,解压缩后用浏览器或者PDF工具打开报告即可查看,完成检测。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字












1. Identify the main points of your graduation thesis,

Your graduation thesis should include the main points that you plan to explore. This could involve researching the topic, analyzing data, forming arguments and conclusions, and more. Take the time to identify the main points of your thesis and make sure that you understand them thoroughly.

2. Research the topic,

Once you he identified the main points of your thesis, it is important to research the topic further. Look for sources such as books, articles, journals, and other written materials to get a better understanding of the topic. Make sure to record the sources you use and cite them in your paper.

3. Create an outline,

Creating an outline of your paper is a great way to organize your thoughts and ideas. Include subtopics, evidence, and arguments, as well as a conclusion. This will help you to stay on track while writing your thesis.

4. Write the paper,

Now that you he identified the main points, done your research, and created an outline, it is time to start writing your thesis. Make sure to stay focused on the main points, and proofread your work for any mistakes.

5. Get feedback,

Once you he finished writing your paper, it is a good idea to get feedback from professors, clasates, and other professionals. They can provide valuable feedback and help you identify any areas of improvement.

6. Make changes,

Take the feedback you he received and make any changes that need to be made. You should also make sure to proofread your paper one more time before submitting it.

7. Submit your paper,

Once you he made all the necessary changes and proofread your paper, it is time to submit your graduation thesis. Submit it to the appropriate department or institution, and you will be one step closer to graduating.








Graduation thesis, also known as graduation project, is an important part of college students' graduation assesent. It is a necessary task for college students to get a degree after graduation. It is a systematic summary of students' understanding and research of a certain professional knowledge, as well as a reflection of their independent thinking and practical ability.

The graduation thesis is a very important and difficult task. It is not only a summary of the knowledge learned in the past four years of college, but also a reflection of the comprehensive ability of the graduates. Therefore, the graduate should take the graduation thesis seriously, and consciously plan the graduation thesis, so that it can play an effective role in the graduation assesent.

The first step in writing a graduation thesis is to choose a suitable topic. The selection of the topic should be closely related to the professional direction of the student and the actual conditions of the student's own. After deciding the topic, the student should make a research plan, which includes the research objectives, research methods and research content.

After completing the research plan, the student should carry out the research work according to the plan, and then summarize the results of the research work. The student should summarize the results of the research work, and draw the corresponding conclusions. In addition, the student should also make an overall evaluation of the research work.

Finally, the student should organize the writing of the graduation thesis, which should follow the general rules of academic writing. The writing should be based on facts and truth, pay attention to the expression of the language, and strictly abide by the relevant regulations of the school.

In general, the process of writing a graduation thesis is very complicated and difficult. It requires the student to he a deep understanding of the professional knowledge, as well as a certain amount of experience in thesis writing. Therefore, the student should make full use of the guidance of the teacher and the experience of the predecessors, and strive to make the graduation thesis a success.