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The issue of plagiari in academic writing has become increasingly important in recent years, with the advent of sophisticated technologies which allow for the detection of copied or closely-related passages. As a result, universities and other institutions he begun to impose strict rules and regulations regarding the use of sources and the acceptable levels of duplication.

In terms of academic writing, it is generally accepted that a maximum of 15-20% of any given paper should be directly copied from external sources, while the remainder should consist of original content written by the author. This percentage varies slightly from one institution to another, and also depends on the type of paper being written - for example, a dissertation or thesis may he a slightly higher acceptable limit than a regular essay.

It is also worth noting that the acceptable level of duplication in an academic paper may be further reduced if the paper is to be submitted for publication. Most journals and other publications he very strict guidelines regarding the level of duplication acceptable in a paper, often requiring that no more than 5-10% of the paper should consist of material directly taken from other sources.

In conclusion, it is important to be aware of the acceptable levels of duplication when writing an academic paper, as failure to adhere to these regulations may lead to disciplinary action. Moreover, it is essential for students to understand the importance of citing sources correctly and to always strive to write original content. By being aware of the regulations and taking the necessary steps to ensure that their work is original, students can ensure that their academic writing is free from plagiari.


The purpose of this paper is to discuss the issue of oiding repetition in academic writing. Repetition is an issue that is encountered in all types of writing, but it can be particularly problematic in academic writing. The main problem is that repetition can make a paper seem unoriginal and it can be distracting for readers. However, there are some strategies that can be used to reduce repetition in academic writing.

First, it is important to use a variety of words and phrases when discussing a particular topic. This helps to ensure that the same ideas are not stated over and over again. Additionally, it is important to use synonyms and to vary sentence structure when expressing similar ideas. This can help to reduce repetition while still conveying the same information.

Second, it is important to use transition words and phrases. These can help to connect ideas and ensure that the paper flows oothly. They also help to break up the paper and make it more interesting for the reader.

Finally, it is important to proofread the paper and to look for any instances of repetition. This can be done by reading the paper aloud or by using a computer program to check for any similar phrases or words. If any instances of repetition are found, it is important to revise the paper and to make sure that the same ideas are not expressed more than once.

In conclusion, it is important to be aware of the issue of repetition in academic writing. By using a variety of words and phrases, using transition words, and proofreading for any instances of repetition, it is possible to reduce repetition in academic writing and make it more interesting for the reader.