

turnitin查重是一款功能强大的文献查重检测软件,主要服务于学术研究领域,能够帮助用户快速、准确地发现学术论文中的重复信息和抄袭文本,防止学术不端操作。turnitin查重采用先进的技术,结合了文本比对技术、智能技术、数据挖掘技术等多项技术,... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 大部分情况下10-30分钟可完成检测,偶遇高峰期可能有延迟。
数据库优势 查重报告
9千万学术期刊和学位论文,会议论文,报纸图书数据,专利数据等,以及超过10亿数量的互联网网页数据。 2个网页报告+1个PDF报告;其中2个网页报告:包含参考文献和不包含参考文献的报告。













1、准备word论文进入检测页面。 2、点击选择文件,上传论文(Word格式)或者复制粘贴需要查重的论文。
3、选择支付方式,点击“立即支付”(开始查重)。 4、等待5-20分钟左右(高峰时期可能要排队久点)。
5、下载检测报告,报告用浏览器或者word、pdf文件打开。 6、下载turnitin检测报告并解压查看详情。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字












Turnitin is an online tool used for plagiari detection and prevention. It is a web-based solution that helps educators, students and professionals to detect, prevent and manage plagiari in their academic and professional work. It uses advanced text comparison algorithms to detect the similarities between submitted papers and those found in other sources. It can also be used to detect self-plagiari and duplicate content.

Turnitin is a comprehensive plagiari detection tool that can be used to check for originality of work, identify potential plagiari, and prevent plagiari from occurring. It can also be used to evaluate and assess student work, as well as to provide feedback and guidance to students on how to improve their writing. The tool also provides in-depth analysis of the papers submitted, allowing users to identify areas of potential plagiari and highlight areas of improvement.

Turnitin is beneficial for both teachers and students. For teachers, it provides an efficient way to detect plagiari and ensure student work is original. For students, it gives them an opportunity to understand the importance of originality in their work and encourages them to be more creative. Additionally, Turnitin can be used to check for self-plagiari, which is important for research projects and other academic works.

Overall, Turnitin is an effective tool to ensure academic integrity. It is an invaluable tool for educators, students and professionals to detect plagiari and ensure originality of work. It also provides an opportunity for students to understand the importance of originality and creativity in their work.







Turnitin is an online plagiari detection software. It is used to detect and prevent plagiari by identifying matches between a submitted paper and existing sources. This software is widely used in universities, colleges, and other educational institutions to check and detect the similarity of the submitted papers.

Turnitin uses a database of works from numerous sources, including the internet, journals, books, and other student papers. It compares submitted papers against its database to identify the text matches that are potentially plagiarized. The results are presented in the form of an originality report, which includes a similarity index score and a list of sources that match the text of the submitted paper.

The similarity index score tells the user how much of the text content in the paper is matched with existing sources. The report also shows the percentage of the paper that is matched with existing sources. For example, if 15% of a paper is matched with existing sources, then the paper has an 85% originality score.

Turnitin also has a feature called “Similarity Check” that allows users to check the similarity of their paper with existing sources. This feature provides an automated way to check for plagiari and can be used to compare submitted papers against the Turnitin database.

Turnitin is a powerful tool for detecting and preventing plagiari. It is a useful tool for teachers and instructors to ensure that student work is original and has not been copied from other sources. The software is also beneficial for students to be aware of and oid plagiari, as it helps them to understand the consequences of plagiari and the importance of citing sources.


Turnitin is a tool used to detect plagiari in written work. It compares submitted documents with a database of millions of academic papers and web pages to identify similarities. It is used by universities and schools to help ensure that students submit original work.

The Turnitin plagiari detection system uses a three-step process to check for plagiari,

1. Content Comparison, Turnitin compares submitted documents with its database of academic and web sources to identify similarities. The system searches for exact matches and other similarities in the text, such as paraphrasing or direct quotes.

2.Source Identification, Turnitin identifies the sources of the matches it finds in submitted documents. It provides links to the sources, so that the user can verify the matches.

3. Plagiari Report, Turnitin creates a report that shows the level of similarity between the submitted document and the sources. The report also provides details about the sources, such as the title and author, so that users can verify the matches.

Turnitin is an invaluable tool for detecting plagiari and ensuring that students submit original work. It is easy to use and provides detailed reports that can be used to assess the level of similarity between submitted documents and sources. It is also a great way to encourage students to cite their sources correctly and to oid plagiari.