

ithenticate查重是一款专业的学术论文查重软件,它可以帮助学者们检测论文是否有抄袭行为,以及论文中抄袭程度多少。ithenticate查重系统可以收录全球各种类型的文献数据,使学者们可以从不同的论文中获取有价值的信息,并且可以有效的检查论文的完... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 5-10分钟,高峰期有延时。
数据库优势 查重报告
互联网资源库(实时更新);5000万+篇学位论文;历年中文期刊库;博士/硕士学位论文全文数据库;高校自建资源库;外文文献及小语种。 提供简明报告和全文比对报告的在线查看和下载,检测报告包含多维度检测指标。













1、选择检测版本,进入查重页面。 2、复制粘贴论文内容以及填写标题和作者姓名。
3、选择支付方式,支付查重费用。 4、提交后,页面会直接跳转至“检测报告”页面。
5、输入订单编号,下载检测报告。 6、查看ithenticate检测报告,html版本报告用浏览器打开,pdf版本需要用pdf专业软件打开,doc版本直接用word打开。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字











iThenticate 学术报告英语文章查重算法规则和原理

iThenticate is an advanced plagiari detection software used to identify potential plagiari in academic reports and other written works. The software uses specialized algorithms and rules to detect plagiari by comparing the text to an extensive database of web-based and published content. Here are the three key rules and principles behind the iThenticate algorithm.

First, iThenticate uses a combination of sophisticated algorithms to detect the potential presence of plagiari. The software works by comparing the text of an academic report or other written work to an extensive database of web-based and published content. The software looks for similarities between the text of the work being checked and the content in the database. When similarities are found, the software flags them as potential plagiarized content.

Second, iThenticate also uses a unique set of proprietary algorithms to further analyze the work being checked. These algorithms enable the software to identify even all fragments of text that may he been copied from other sources. Additionally, the algorithms are designed to identify patterns of plagiari that may not be caught by other software.

Finally, iThenticate also uses proprietary rules to enhance the accuracy of its results. These rules prevent false positives from being flagged as potential plagiari and ensure that the software only flags content that is actually plagiarized. Additionally, the rules enable the software to identify potential plagiari that may he been deliberately or unintentionally omitted from the text.

In summary, iThenticate is a powerful and reliable tool for detecting plagiari in academic reports and other written works. The software uses a combination of sophisticated algorithms, proprietary rules, and an extensive database of web-based and published content to identify potential plagiari.

iThenticate 学术报告英语论文查重算法规则和原理介绍

iThenticate is an online plagiari detection software designed to help researchers, academics, and publishers verify the originality of their work. This software allows users to upload their documents and compare them to billions of online sources, including a large repository of scholarly material. The algorithm used by iThenticate is based on a three-pronged approach to detecting plagiari.

First, iThenticate uses a text matching algorithm to identify areas of content that are similar or identical. This algorithm compares the text of a document to the text of other works, searching for strings of words or phrases that may be present in both. If iThenticate finds a match, it will flag the document for further review.

Second, the software uses a citation analysis algorithm to identify and analyze the citations used in a document. This algorithm looks for inconsistencies in the citations, such as incorrect formatting or author names, that may indicate plagiari. In addition, the algorithm can identify when a citation is missing or when there is an excessive amount of citations, both of which can be signs of plagiari.

Finally, iThenticate uses a similarity index algorithm to measure the degree of similarity between the submitted document and other works. This algorithm assigns a score to each document, which is then used to determine the likelihood of plagiari. The higher the score, the more likely it is that the document contains plagiarized material.

Overall, iThenticate is an effective tool for detecting plagiari. The three-pronged approach used by the software allows users to quickly and accurately identify potential plagiari in their documents. By using iThenticate, researchers, academics, and publishers can ensure that their work is original and compliant with academic standards.

CrossCheck 学术报告英语文章查重算法规则和原理介绍






iThenticate 学术报告英语论文查重算法规则和原理

iThenticate is an online academic paper plagiari checking algorithm developed by Turnitin. It is designed to detect and prevent plagiari in academic papers, such as research papers, dissertations, and essays. The algorithm works by comparing the text of an uploaded paper to a massive database of different sources including journal articles, websites, and books. If any portion of the text matches a source in the database, it will be flagged as potential plagiari.

The algorithm also uses a variety of other detection methods to identify plagiari. For example, it can detect plagiari even if the words he been changed or rearranged. It also looks for misspellings and discrepancies in formatting. In addition, it can detect self-plagiari, which is when a student reuses their own work from a previous paper or assignment.

The iThenticate algorithm is a powerful tool for detecting and preventing plagiari. It provides detailed reports that can be used to analyze potential plagiari cases and also to educate students on proper citation and referencing practices. Furthermore, it is easy to use, allowing students and educators to quickly and accurately check for potential plagiari.