

turnitin查重是一款智能查重软件,它可以帮助用户快速和准确地检测文本中的抄袭和重复,从而有效地提高文章质量。turnitin查重软件拥有强大的文本检测能力,可以检测文本中的抄袭、重复句子、无意义重复、句子结构重复等,从而有效地提高文章质量。 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 平均5分钟左右。
数据库优势 查重报告
图书300万种,期刊3万多种(6900多万篇),学位论文、会议论文各200多万篇,报纸1800多种(1.8亿多篇),还有网页、外文等海量资源。 提供片段修改建议、修改提醒和修改参考,检测报告指标详细,提供原创率、抄袭率、引用率。













1、点击【立即检测】进入turnitin查重系统,选择【检测版本】。 2、填写题目、作者(选填)上传或粘贴您的文章。
3、点击【立即查重】,提交成功后等待系统检测完成。 4、turnitin在进行文献查阅和查重的时候还是比较迅速的,基本上十几分钟到半个小时之内就能够搞定。
5、点击下载检测报告即可。 6、turnitin查重报告包括网页报告、ZIP离线报告和PDF简洁报告,用相应的软件打开即可。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字












Step 1, Read Your Paper

First, read your paper carefully to gain an understanding of its main points. Make sure to note any areas that need further explanation or clarification.

Step 2, Reorganize Your Paper

Next, reorganize your paper by rearranging the order of your paragraphs, adding new sections, and adjusting the overall flow of the paper. Make sure to keep your main points intact while improving the structure of your paper.

Step 3, Revise Your Paper

Finally, revise your paper by making changes to the language and structure. Pay attention to grammar and spelling, and focus on making the paper concise and easy to understand. Revise any areas that could be improved upon or clarified.

By following these steps, you can easily revamp your paper to make it more effective and informative. With a bit of effort, you can ensure that your paper is clear, concise, and well-written.


1. Identify the Topic, Before you start writing your paper, identify the topic that you want to focus on. This will help you to narrow down your research and create a structure for your paper.

2. Do Your Research, Conducting thorough research is one of the most important steps in writing an academic paper. Look for reliable sources such as journal articles and textbooks to back up your points.

3. Create an Outline, An outline will help you to organize your thoughts and create a structure for your paper. It will also help you to stay on track and oid any unnecessary tangents.

4. Write a Draft, Once you he an outline, you can start writing a draft of your paper. Make sure to stay on topic and provide evidence to back up your argument.

5. Edit and Revise, After you he written a draft of your paper, it’s important to edit and revise your work. Read through it several times and make sure that your paper is well written and organized.

6. Finalize, Once you are satiied with your paper, you can finalize it and submit it for publication. Make sure to proofread your work and make any necessary changes before submitting it.


Academic papers are a great way to disseminate new ideas and research results. To ensure the validity and accuracy of the work, it is important to check for plagiari, which is done through a process called paper checking.

Paper checking is the process of identifying plagiarized or copied content in an academic paper. It can be done manually or through the use of automated detection software. Manual checking is done by reading the paper and looking for passages that closely resemble other published works. Automated detection software is more efficient and accurate, as it can quickly scan the paper and detect any copied content.

When it comes to checking academic papers, the most effective way to do it quickly is to use an automated detection software. These software programs are designed to scan through the paper and detect any copied content. Most of these programs are also equipped with additional features such as keyword search and text comparison, which can help to further narrow down the search results.

In addition to using automated detection software, there are also other methods that can be used to check for plagiari in an academic paper. For example, one can ask a peer to read the paper and provide feedback on the content. This method helps to ensure that the paper is original and has not been plagiarized from another source. Lastly, one can also use online databases such as Turnitin or PlagScan to check for plagiari in a paper. These databases are capable of comparing the paper to millions of other documents to detect any possible plagiari.


Academic paper plagiari detection standards vary depending on the journal's requirements. Generally speaking, the maximum number of words that can be considered similar is 300. Academic journals may require a higher standard, such as a 0% plagiari rate, which means that none of the text in the paper can be found in any other source. If a paper is found to exceed the 300-word limit, or if its similarity rate is higher than the journal's required percentage of similarity, the paper may be rejected.

In addition to the number of words, the level of similarity is also important. For example, journals may require a similarity rate of 50%, meaning that less than half of the words in the paper can be found in other sources. Any paper with a similarity rate higher than this may be rejected.

Ultimately, it is up to the journal to determine the level of plagiari that can be tolerated. However, as a general rule of thumb, the maximum number of words that can be considered similar should not exceed 300 words.