

ithenticate查重是一款专业的原创性检测工具,它可以帮助用户快速检测自己写的文章是否存在重复抄袭的情况,帮助用户提高写作质量。它能够检测出网络上所有的资源,包括新闻、百科、社交网络、学术论文等等,从而帮助用户检测出自己文章中是否存在... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 5~10分钟。
数据库优势 查重报告
图书,期刊,会议论文,学位论文,标准,专利,互联网网页,报纸库,个人自建库;整个平台收录超过300亿指纹数据。 四个报告,各类查重参数齐全;检测速度快;安全无痕迹,可自主删除检测记录和报告。













1、选择检测系统,点击查重按钮,进行查重页面。 2、填写题目、作者(选填)上传或粘贴您的文章。
3、确认计费金额,点击提交。 4、一般30分钟内出检测报告结果,高峰期由于订单量太大可能持续时间比较长。
5、可以点击左侧导航【下载检测报告】下载检测结果。 6、下载的ithenticate查重报告为压缩文件,解压缩后用浏览器或者PDF工具打开报告即可查看,完成检测。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字











CrossCheck 国际论文英语文章查重多少合格




CrossCheck 国际论文英语论文查重多少合格

CrossCheck International is a global plagiari detection service that specializes in helping academic institutions verify and detect plagiari in academic papers. It provides reliable and accurate results for authors, publishers, and educators.

CrossCheck International uses advanced algorithms to analyze papers for potential plagiari. It scans the text of a paper against a wide range of sources including previously published works, webpages, and online databases. It then highlights any unoriginal content and provides a detailed report that outlines the percentage of plagiarized material in a paper.

CrossCheck International also offers an optional service that allows authors to check their paper against a database of more than 200 million documents. This helps authors identify potential sources of plagiari and ensure that their paper is original and up-to-date.

CrossCheck International is widely accepted as a reliable and accurate way to detect plagiari in academic papers. It has been tested and found to be reliable and accurate, and is used by many universities, publishers, and other organizations around the world.

To determine how much plagiari is acceptable for an academic paper, it is important to understand the criteria used by CrossCheck International. The company uses a three-level system to determine the level of plagiari in a paper. The level of plagiari is calculated based on how much of the content of the paper is copied from other sources.

Level 1, up to 20% of the paper is copied from other sources.

Level 2, up to 40% of the paper is copied from other sources.

Level 3, more than 40% of the paper is copied from other sources.

CrossCheck International also uses a variety of other criteria such as word count, formatting, and language complexity to determine the level of plagiari. Therefore, different levels of plagiari are acceptable depending on the context and purpose of the paper.

In general, CrossCheck International considers plagiari to be acceptable if it is less than 20% of the paper. If the plagiari is between 20-40%, then it is considered to be moderate. If the plagiari is greater than 40%, then it is considered to be unacceptable.

It is important to note that plagiari detection does not guarantee an A grade on a paper. The quality of the paper and the accuracy of the information is still the most important factor in determining the grade. However, CrossCheck International can help to ensure that the paper is original and up-to-date.

CrossCheck 国际论文英文论文查重多少合格

CrossCheck is an online plagiari detection service that helps authors check their papers for potential plagiari before they submit them to a journal. It uses sophisticated algorithms to compare submitted papers against millions of scholarly documents, websites, and published works, and reports any potential matches. The service is widely used by academic journals and publishers, and is accepted by most major universities.

CrossCheck works by scanning submitted papers for matches with other documents. It then creates a similarity report that highlights any potential similarities or overlaps between the paper and other sources. The report also provides a detailed analysis of the source material and the extent of the overlap. This helps authors identify potential problems before submitting their paper.

CrossCheck is a useful tool for authors to use before submitting their paper to a journal. It allows authors to check their work for potential plagiari and to identify any potential problems before submitting it. It also helps journals and publishers check submitted papers for potential plagiari, and can help them protect their intellectual property.

Overall, CrossCheck is an invaluable tool for authors, editors, and publishers. It helps authors ensure that their work is original, and it helps journals and publishers protect their intellectual property. Additionally, it is a reliable and efficient way of checking submitted papers for potential plagiari.

CrossCheck 国际论文论文查重多少合格

