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1、打开点击查重按钮,论文查重页面。 2、填写待检测论文的标题(篇名)和作者。如果要去除引用本人已发表文章的重复,请务必填写作者姓名。
3、确认计费金额,点击“提交订单”,选择支付方式(开始检测)。 4、大雅查重时间为1-10分钟,高峰期时间有所廷长。
5、查重完成后,点击下载检测报告。 6、下载的大雅查重报告为压缩文件,解压缩后用浏览器或者PDF工具打开报告即可查看,完成检测。


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5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字












No, the rules and principles of academic paper plagiari checking websites are not the same.

The rules and principles of academic paper plagiari checking websites vary depending on the website. Generally, most websites require a user to upload the paper to the website’s server and then the website will scan the paper against its database of existing academic papers. The website will then analyze the paper and generate a results page that indicates whether or not the paper contains plagiarized content.

The principles of academic paper plagiari checking websites also vary. For example, some websites use algorithms that search for identical phrases or words, while others use complex algorithms that analyze the paper’s structure, sentence structure, and other characteristics. The algorithms used by each website determines the accuracy of the results and the level of detail that is provided.

Overall, the rules and principles of academic paper plagiari checking websites are not the same. Each website has its own specific set of rules and principles that it follows to generate accurate results.


How Does a Plagiari Checker Website Check for Plagiari?

Plagiari checker websites are tools used to detect possible plagiari in a given text. They help authors to ensure that their work is free of plagiari before it is published. The tools work by scanning through the text, looking for any similarities that may exist between the content and other sources. Here are two ways in which a plagiari checker website can be used to detect plagiari,

1. Text Comparison, The plagiari checker website will compare the text to other sources on the Internet. If it finds any matches, it will flag them up as potential plagiari. This can help identify instances of copying and pasting from other sources without giving credit, as well as when authors he used the same or similar words as other sources.

2. Cross-Referencing, The plagiari checker website will also cross-reference the text with its own database. This will help to identify any overlapping content that the author may he taken from other sources without giving credit. The software can also detect any changes that he been made to the text, such as rephrasing or changing the word order.

By using a plagiari checker website, authors can ensure that their work is free of plagiari before it is published. This can help to protect them from being accused of plagiari and can also help to maintain the integrity of their work.







An academic paper plagiari checking website is a website that can detect the originality of an academic paper. It works by scanning through the content of the paper and then comparing it with other sources on the web. If any part of the paper matches the content of other sources, the website will then flag it as an instance of plagiari.

The rules and principles of a paper plagiari checking website can vary depending on the website itself, but generally speaking, the website will look for similarities between the paper and other sources on the web in order to identify any potential instances of plagiari. Some websites may also he additional rules in place such as the requirement for authors to submit their manuscripts to the website in order to be checked.

When a paper is submitted to a plagiari checking website, the website will first check the paper against its own database of academic sources, including journals, books, and websites. If any part of the paper is found to match any of these sources, the website will then flag it as an instance of plagiari.

The website will also search through other websites on the web, such as blogs, news sites, and social media sites, to check for potential similarities. If any part of the paper matches content from these sources, the website may also flag it as an instance of plagiari.

Additionally, some websites may also use sophisticated algorithms to detect plagiari. These algorithms can detect subtle variations in text, such as the use of synonyms, or the rearrangement of words, in order to identify any potential instances of plagiari.

Overall, the rules and principles of a paper plagiari checking website can vary depending on the website itself. However, the main purpose of these websites is to identify any potential instances of plagiari in paper submissions.