

ithenticate查重是一款面向学术机构的综合学术服务软件,它支持文献查重、文献资料管理、文献检索以及学术仪表盘等功能。它收录了全球超过49千万篇学术文献,旨在帮助学术机构节约时间,提高学术研究的效率。ithenticate查重不仅可以帮助用户及时发... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 5万字以上,每万字平均1分钟。
数据库优势 查重报告
由千万的学术期刊和学位论文,以及一个超过10亿数量的互联网网页数据库、公众号数据库组成。 网页报告、ZIP离线报告和PDF简洁报告,支持本地下载和打印。













1、选择检测版本,进入查重页面。 2、输入论文标题和论文作者以及论文内容。
3、选择微信或者支付宝扫码支付,点击【提交论文】按钮。 4、ithenticate查重时间为1-10分钟,高峰期时间有所廷长。
5、可以点击左侧导航【下载检测报告】下载检测结果。 6、ithenticate检测报告为压缩包,解压后用即可打开。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字












Using software to check for plagiari in a bachelor's degree essay is becoming increasingly popular. It is an effective way to ensure that all work submitted is original, and that the student has taken the necessary steps to ensure academic integrity.

Firstly, the software checks the essay against a database of academic writings and other sources. This enables the software to detect any similarities between the essay and other works. It can also detect certain types of plagiari, such as using material without proper citation or paraphrasing without proper attribution.

Secondly, the software can also be used to detect self-plagiari, which occurs when a student re-uses material from their own previously written work. This is often difficult to detect if the student has not kept a record of their prior work, but the software can quickly identify these similarities and make it easier to take action.

Overall, software for checking for plagiari in a bachelor's degree essay is an invaluable tool for ensuring academic integrity. It can detect both intentional and unintentional plagiari, and it can also help to detect self-plagiari. It is therefore a valuable tool for any student.


The importance of oiding plagiari in an academic environment cannot be stressed enough. As a student, it’s essential to ensure that your work is original and properly cited. A major concern for universities and schools is the duplicate content rate in student papers.

To combat this issue, universities and schools utilize various methods to check the originality of student papers. One widely used approach is to measure the duplicate content rate of the paper. This rate measures the amount of content in the paper that has been copied from other sources, without proper citation. As this rate increases, the paper becomes more likely to be considered plagiarized.

Therefore, it is important that students take the necessary steps to ensure that their papers are free of plagiari. This includes properly citing any sources used, as well as researching and writing original content. By doing so, students will be able to produce work that meets the standards of their university or school.


Plagiari is a serious issue in academic writing and can be detrimental to the credibility and reputation of the student, the university, and the faculty. The consequences of plagiari can range from a failing grade in the course to suspension or expulsion from the university. As such, it is important to understand the various ways in which plagiari can occur and the strategies that can be employed to help reduce the rate of plagiari in academic writing.

The first step in reducing the rate of plagiari in academic writing is to ensure that all sources are properly cited and referenced. This includes both in-text citations as well as a bibliography or list of works cited. Additionally, it is important to understand the differences between direct quotation, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Direct quotation requires the exact words of the source to be used, while paraphrasing and summarizing are more general interpretations of the source material.

Another useful strategy is to use plagiari checkers to help identify potential instances of plagiari. These tools are readily ailable online and can often provide students with feedback on their writing in terms of potential plagiari. Additionally, it is important to be familiar with the university’s plagiari policy, as this can provide guidance on acceptable and unacceptable practices.

Finally, it is important to ensure that students are properly taught about academic integrity and the consequences of plagiari. This can include providing lectures and workshops on the topic and ensuring that the university’s plagiari policy is clearly outlined for all students. By taking the necessary steps to reduce the rate of plagiari in academic writing, students can ensure that their work is original and of the highest quality.