

万方查重是一款抗抄袭工具,由万方数据提供,主要用于识别学术论文的抄袭情况。万方查重能够帮助检测学术论文的原创性,是一款有效的学术论文抗抄袭工具。万方查重通过万方数据库的检索以及深度检测算法,有效地检测相似的论文,提供给用户完善的抄... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 5万字以上,每万字平均1分钟。
数据库优势 查重报告
由千万的学术期刊和学位论文,以及一个超过10亿数量的互联网网页数据库、公众号数据库组成。 详细报告不但包含了简单报告里的内容,同时也详细列出了文章中具体的相似段落情况。













1、打开点击查重按钮,论文查重页面。 2、在论文提交界面,填写待检测论文的标题(篇名)和作者。如果要去除引用本人已发表文章的重复,请务必填写作者姓名。然后点击【开始上传】按钮上传待检论文。
3、点击“提交订单”,选择支付方式。 4、等待报告,通常情况下1-5分钟,高峰期可能有延迟。
5、可以点击左侧导航【下载检测报告】下载检测结果。 6、万方查重报告包括网页报告、ZIP离线报告和PDF简洁报告,用相应的软件打开即可。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字












Writing a paper for a scholarly journal can be a daunting task. As a researcher, it is important to consider ways to reduce the risk of plagiari and maintain the integrity of the paper. Here are three tips to help you submit original research,

1. Cite Your Sources, Make sure to properly cite any source you use. This includes any books, articles, websites, or any other source that comes up in your research. Accurate citations will help you oid plagiari and ensure that your work is properly credited.

2. Check for Plagiari, There are many online tools ailable to check for plagiari. Use these tools to check for any potential issues before you submit your paper.

3. Create a Secure Work Environment, If you are working with other researchers, make sure you he a secure system in place to track the contributions of each researcher. This will help keep track of who wrote what, and help ensure that all contributions are properly credited.

Following these steps can help you submit an original, plagiari-free paper that will be accepted into a scholarly journal. By taking the time to properly cite sources and double check your work, you will be able to create an academic paper that is both original and of high quality.


Academic papers are a great way to disseminate new ideas and research results. To ensure the validity and accuracy of the work, it is important to check for plagiari, which is done through a process called paper checking.

Paper checking is the process of identifying plagiarized or copied content in an academic paper. It can be done manually or through the use of automated detection software. Manual checking is done by reading the paper and looking for passages that closely resemble other published works. Automated detection software is more efficient and accurate, as it can quickly scan the paper and detect any copied content.

When it comes to checking academic papers, the most effective way to do it quickly is to use an automated detection software. These software programs are designed to scan through the paper and detect any copied content. Most of these programs are also equipped with additional features such as keyword search and text comparison, which can help to further narrow down the search results.

In addition to using automated detection software, there are also other methods that can be used to check for plagiari in an academic paper. For example, one can ask a peer to read the paper and provide feedback on the content. This method helps to ensure that the paper is original and has not been plagiarized from another source. Lastly, one can also use online databases such as Turnitin or PlagScan to check for plagiari in a paper. These databases are capable of comparing the paper to millions of other documents to detect any possible plagiari.


Academic paper plagiari detection standards vary depending on the journal's requirements. Generally speaking, the maximum number of words that can be considered similar is 300. Academic journals may require a higher standard, such as a 0% plagiari rate, which means that none of the text in the paper can be found in any other source. If a paper is found to exceed the 300-word limit, or if its similarity rate is higher than the journal's required percentage of similarity, the paper may be rejected.

In addition to the number of words, the level of similarity is also important. For example, journals may require a similarity rate of 50%, meaning that less than half of the words in the paper can be found in other sources. Any paper with a similarity rate higher than this may be rejected.

Ultimately, it is up to the journal to determine the level of plagiari that can be tolerated. However, as a general rule of thumb, the maximum number of words that can be considered similar should not exceed 300 words.


No, the rules and principles of academic paper plagiari checking websites are not the same.

The rules and principles of academic paper plagiari checking websites vary depending on the website. Generally, most websites require a user to upload the paper to the website’s server and then the website will scan the paper against its database of existing academic papers. The website will then analyze the paper and generate a results page that indicates whether or not the paper contains plagiarized content.

The principles of academic paper plagiari checking websites also vary. For example, some websites use algorithms that search for identical phrases or words, while others use complex algorithms that analyze the paper’s structure, sentence structure, and other characteristics. The algorithms used by each website determines the accuracy of the results and the level of detail that is provided.

Overall, the rules and principles of academic paper plagiari checking websites are not the same. Each website has its own specific set of rules and principles that it follows to generate accurate results.