

ithenticate查重是一款非常专业的查重工具,它可以帮助用户快速准确地检测出文献中的重复和抄袭内容。ithenticate查重主要功能包括:文献查重、论文查重、抄袭检测、文本比对、抄袭查证等。它采用先进的技术,可以有效检测出文本中的文字、句子、段... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 5万字以内,平均5分钟左右。
数据库优势 查重报告
学术不端论文检测系统,系统含100000000篇中文文献,1000万篇各类文献,300万港澳台地区学术文献4000万篇英文文献资源本科、专科、硕士、博士、职称、期刊、MBA论文。 查重报告格式丰富多样,设计精美,符合用户使用体验,便于修改查看。提供网页报告(适合在线查阅)、ZIP离线报告(不限时间、地点,随时随地查看)、PDF简明打印版报告(适合打印提交学校)。智能分析,提供修改建议和参考。













1、准备word论文进入检测页面。 2、填写需要检测的论文标题和姓名与内容。
3、点击【提交检测】进行支付流程。 4、大部分情况下10-30分钟可完成检测,偶遇高峰期可能有延迟。
5、点击下载检测报告即可。 6、ithenticate提供简明报告和全文比对报告的在线查看和下载,检测报告包含多维度检测指标。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字











CrossCheck 学术报告英文文章查重原理和规则算法

CrossCheck is an algorithm used to detect plagiari in academic papers. The algorithm works by comparing the text of a given paper to a database of other papers to find matches. It looks for similarities in sentence structure, phrases, and words.

The algorithm takes into account contextual cues such as the structure of the sentences and the order of words. It also looks for other elements such as the number of words in a sentence, the number of consecutive words from the same source, and the number of quotes. If a paper matches a given threshold of similarity, then it is flagged as potentially plagiarized.

CrossCheck also uses a technique called "normalization" which helps to eliminate false positives. This technique looks at the way words are used in the text and looks for consistent patterns. If these patterns are the same in both papers, then it is assumed that the text is not plagiarized.

Finally, the algorithm looks for common phrases and words that are commonly used in academic writing. If two papers contain the same phrase or word, then it is assumed that the text is plagiarized.

In summary, CrossCheck is a sophisticated algorithm used to detect plagiari in academic papers. It looks for similarities in sentence structure, phrases, and words, and uses contextual cues, normalization, and common phrases and words to identify plagiarized work.

CrossCheck 学术报告英文文章查重原理与规则

CrossCheck is a plagiari-detection tool used to identify similarities between submitted documents and documents ailable on the internet and in proprietary databases. It uses text matching algorithms to compare documents and identify potential plagiari.

CrossCheck works by searching for similarities between a submitted document and documents in its database. It looks for patterns of words, phrases, and sentences that appear in both the submitted document and the documents it has indexed. If it finds a significant degree of similarity, it flags the document as potentially plagiarized.

CrossCheck has several rules for detecting plagiari. It compares the structure of the submitted document with that of the documents in its database. It looks for matches on the level of words, phrases, and sentences. It also checks for the use of similar language, similar formatting, and similar citations.

CrossCheck also looks for matches on the level of ideas and concepts. It checks for similarities across multiple documents, even when the words themselves differ. This helps to identify plagiari even if the plagiarized text has been modified.

Finally, CrossCheck looks for self-plagiari, which is when an author reuses their own previously published material. It does this by comparing the submitted document with the author's other published works.

CrossCheck is an effective tool for detecting plagiari. It is a useful tool for institutions, such as universities and businesses, who need to ensure that their documents are original.

CrossCheck 学术报告英文文章查重原理和查重规则是什么

CrossCheck is an academic plagiari checking tool used to detect and prevent plagiari in scholarly works. It is based on the internationally recognized standards for originality and provides an efficient and accurate way to evaluate the originality of scholarly works.

The principle of CrossCheck is to compare the content of a scholarly work to the content of published material, in order to identify any copied or similar passages. It uses multiple algorithms and technologies to detect instances of plagiari, such as text comparison, pattern recognition, and statistical analysis.

The rules of CrossCheck are designed to ensure that all sources are properly cited and that all content is original. It requires authors to provide references and citations for all sources used, and it also checks for any similarities between the submitted work and any previously published material. Additionally, it checks for any instances of self-plagiari or the use of the same material in multiple papers.

CrossCheck 学术报告英文文章查重原理规则是什么

