

万方查重是一款专业的文献查重服务,旨在帮助学术研究者检测学术论文中的重复内容,以避免抄袭行为。万方查重拥有丰富的数据库,涵盖了中文全文、英文全文、中英文混合全文等学术文献,可以跨越各类文献源,快速准确地对比检测,实现查重目的。万方... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 5万字以上,每万字平均1分钟。
数据库优势 查重报告
学位论文库,学术期刊库,会议论文库,互联网文档资源,自建对比库。 提供修改意见,结果准确,来源详细。













1、点击【立即查重】进入点击查重按钮,论文检测系统入口。 2、准备文档,上传论文。
3、确认计费金额,点击“提交订单”,选择支付方式(开始检测)。 4、提交后,页面会直接跳转至“检测报告”页面。
5、下载检测报告,报告用浏览器或者word、pdf文件打开。 6、查看万方检测报告,html版本报告用浏览器打开,pdf版本需要用pdf专业软件打开,doc版本直接用word打开。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字

















Jade is a type of gemstone that has been used for centuries as a symbol of beauty and purity. It is believed to bring good luck and prosperity to those who possess it. In recent years, the use of jade in jewellery and other decorative items has become increasingly popular.

The quality of jade is determined by its colour, texture, and clarity. It is usually found in shades of green, but can also be found in other colours such as lender, blue, and white. The most valuable jade is typically a bright emerald green colour. When determining the quality of jade, the clarity of the stone is also taken into consideration. Jade with few or no visible flaws is considered the highest quality.

When it comes to the topic of plagiari, jade has a zero percent rate of duplication. This is because each piece of jade is unique, making it impossible to reproduce. Furthermore, the quality of a piece of jade can only be determined by examining the actual stone and no two pieces of jade are identical. Because of this, jade is often seen as a symbol of authenticity and originality.


The UK paper plagiari rate for Lily is 0%. Plagiari is the use of someone else's words or ideas without giving proper credit to the original source. It is a form of academic dishonesty and can lead to serious consequences.

In the UK, universities he strict rules and regulations in place to ensure that all students submit original content. Plagiari is taken very seriously and can result in a student being expelled from their university.

In order to protect against plagiari, universities employ measures such as paper similarity checks. This is where a paper is checked for any similarities to other papers, which can indicate plagiari. The more similar the papers, the higher the plagiari rate.

For Lily, the plagiari rate is 0%. This means that her paper has not been found to he any similarities to other papers. This is a good indication that Lily has written an original paper and has taken the necessary steps to ensure that her work is her own.

In order to ensure that the plagiari rate stays at 0%, Lily should always use citations when she is referring to other people’s work. She should also use a plagiari checker before submitting her paper to make sure that it does not contain any similarities to other papers.

Overall, Lily should be very pleased that her paper has a plagiari rate of 0%. This is a sign that she has taken the necessary steps to ensure that her work is her own and that she has followed the rules and regulations of her university.


0% plagiari rate is the desired rate for any academic essay written in the UK. Plagiari is the practice of taking someone else’s work without giving credit to the original author, and it is considered to be a form of academic dishonesty. In order to ensure that all essays written in the UK are original, universities and other educational institutions he implemented strict guidelines and regulations for plagiari checking.

Plagiari rates can be measured in a number of ways, including through software-based systems, manual processes, and the use of a combination of both methods. Some universities and colleges may also he their own internal plagiari checking systems.

The software-based systems are designed to detect plagiari by comparing the text of the essay with the text of other sources, such as textbooks, published articles, and other essays. In general, plagiari checking software will look for similarities between the text of the essay and other sources. The software will then report any matches as a percentage of the total text.

Manual processes typically involve a reviewer manually checking the essay for any plagiarized passages. The reviewer will look for any passages that are similar to passages found in other sources. If a passage is identified as plagiarized, the reviewer will then make a note of it and report it to the institution’s plagiari committee.

The most common thresholds for plagiari rates in the UK are 0%, 10%, and 20%. A 0% plagiari rate is considered to be the ideal rate, as it indicates that the essay is completely original. A 10% plagiari rate is also considered to be acceptable, but it is usually only acceptable if the plagiari is minor and does not affect the overall quality of the essay. Any plagiari rate above 20% is generally considered to be unacceptable.

In conclusion, a 0% plagiari rate is the desired rate for any academic essay written in the UK. Plagiari rates can be measured through a variety of methods, and the most common threshold for plagiari is 0%, with a 10% rate being acceptable for minor plagiari. Any plagiari rate above 20% is generally considered to be unacceptable.