

turnitin查重是一款强大的查重工具,可以帮助用户查找其文档中的重复内容和拼写错误,以提高文档质量。它使用先进的技术,如机器学习和自然语言处理,来自动查找文档中的重复和拼写错误,以便用户可以轻松编辑文档。它支持多种文件格式,如Word、Ex... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 5~10分钟。
数据库优势 查重报告
学位论文库,中文期刊库,互联网资源,共享资源库,自建数据库,以及9000多万篇学术期刊,5000多万篇学位论文,超10亿互联网资源。 查重报告格式丰富多样,设计精美,符合用户使用体验,便于修改查看。提供网页报告(适合在线查阅)、ZIP离线报告(不限时间、地点,随时随地查看)、PDF简明打印版报告(适合打印提交学校)。智能分析,提供修改建议和参考。













1、打开点击查重按钮,论文查重页面。 2、点击选择文件,上传论文(Word格式)或者复制粘贴需要查重的论文。
3、确认计费金额,点击“提交订单”,选择支付方式(开始检测)。 4、上传成功后,一般半小时内即可检测完成。
5、静等几分钟,等待查重完成。 6、下载的turnitin查重报告为压缩文件,解压缩后用浏览器或者PDF工具打开报告即可查看,完成检测。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字












Plagiari detection software is used to identify instances of plagiari in academic papers. The software works by comparing the text of a paper to a database of existing material, usually from the internet, to identify any potential matches. It is designed to identify cases where the author has copied material from other sources without proper attribution or has taken other material without permission.

Plagiari detection software can be used in a variety of ways. It can be used to check papers for potential plagiari before submission, or to detect instances of plagiari after the fact. It can also be used to check for self-plagiari, which is when an author reuses their own material without proper attribution.

Plagiari detection software works by identifying text matches between the paper being checked and other material in the database. The software uses algorithms to identify similarities between the texts and identify potential matches. The algorithm looks for words and phrases that are used in both texts, as well as the order in which they are used. The software also looks for patterns in the text, such as structure and syntax, to identify potential matches.

The accuracy of the software depends on the quality of the database. The larger the database, the more likely it is that the software will be able to identify potential matches. The quality of the results will also depend on the accuracy of the algorithm used.

In addition to checking for plagiari, some plagiari detection software also provides feedback on the quality of the paper. This can include an analysis of the writing style, grammar, and other aspects of the paper. This can be used to help improve the overall quality of the paper.


Online plagiari detection is a process of detecting plagiari in online content. It involves using software to compare online content to existing materials to determine if there are any similarities. The first step of online plagiari detection involves collecting the content that needs to be checked. This can be done by manually searching for the content or using an automated tool such as a web crawler. Once the content has been collected, it is compared to existing material using a plagiari detection software. This software will look for similarities between the online content and existing material. If similarities are found, the content is flagged as potentially plagiarised. The next step is to investigate the flagged content further to determine if the similarities are due to plagiari or if there is another explanation. The final step is to take action if plagiari is found. This could include contacting the author, requesting the content be taken down, or a legal action if necessary.



1. 作者需要在查重网站上注册账号,然后上传论文文档,等待查重系统检测。

2. 系统会根据论文内容,分析该论文是否涉及抄袭或是重复发表的情况,然后给出报告,作者可以根据报告的结果对论文进行修改或更改。




There are many ways to check for plagiari in an academic paper. The most common way is to use a plagiari checker. This is a software program that scans a document for similarities to other documents. It then flags any sections that appear to be copied from another source.

Another way to check for plagiari is to manually compare the content of the paper to other sources. This can be very time consuming and is best used when the paper is relatively short or when the writer is uncertain of the originality of the content.

A third option is to use a professional service. These services offer a more comprehensive approach to checking for plagiari. They often use more sophisticated methods to detect plagiari, and they can quickly check large documents such as academic papers.

Finally, some academic institutions also offer their own plagiari detection systems. These systems can be used to detect plagiari not only in academic papers, but also in other types of documents. They are often used to detect plagiari in student assignments and can be used to check for plagiari in other student work.

No matter which method is used, it is important to remember that plagiari is not tolerated in the academic world. Taking someone else’s work and claiming it as your own can he serious consequences. It is important to make sure that any paper submitted for grading has been checked for plagiari and that any sources used are properly cited.