

ithenticate查重是一款专业的学术查重及文献管理工具,能够满足学术研究者的不同查重需求。ithenticate查重可以实现文献任意组合的查重,为用户提供多种文献类型的查重功能,比如中文、英文、期刊、会议和学位论文等,可以帮助用户快速发现文献重复... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 大部分情况下10-30分钟可完成检测,偶遇高峰期可能有延迟。
数据库优势 查重报告
学术不端论文检测系统,系统含100000000篇中文文献,1000万篇各类文献,300万港澳台地区学术文献4000万篇英文文献资源本科、专科、硕士、博士、职称、期刊、MBA论文。 详细报告不但包含了简单报告里的内容,同时也详细列出了文章中具体的相似段落情况。













1、选择相应的检测系统,进到查重页面。 2、复制粘贴论文内容以及填写标题和作者姓名。
3、点击【提交检测】进行支付流程。 4、提交论文成功后,请等待10-30分钟左右(高峰时期可能要排队一至两小时),可以点击【下载检测报告】下载检测结果。
5、输入订单编号,下载检测报告。 6、查看ithenticate检测报告,html版本报告用浏览器打开,pdf版本需要用pdf专业软件打开,doc版本直接用word打开。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字











CrossCheck 学术报告英文论文查重步骤流程

CrossCheck 学术报告英文论文查重流程,








CrossCheck 学术报告英文论文查重步骤是怎样的

CrossCheck academic report plagiari checker is a powerful tool for academic writers to ensure the originality of their work. This article outlines the steps for using CrossCheck to ensure that your academic report is free of plagiari.

The first step in using CrossCheck to check for plagiari is to upload your document. This can be done easily by either dragging and dropping the document into the CrossCheck interface or by clicking the “Upload” button. Once the document is uploaded it will be scanned for any matches in the CrossCheck database. If a match is found then the document will be flagged as potentially plagiarized.

The second step is to review the flagged document. This can be done by clicking on the “Review” button. This will open up a list of matches that he been found in the CrossCheck database. Each match will be highlighted and the source of the matching text will be displayed. This will allow you to review the source material and decide if the text is plagiarized or not.

The third and final step is to take action on any potential plagiari that has been identified. This can be done by clicking the “Action” button. Here you will be able to select the action that should be taken for each match. Depending on the severity of the plagiari you may be able to edit the document to remove the flagged text or you may need to completely re-write the document to remove any potential plagiari.

In conclusion, CrossCheck is an excellent tool for academic writers to ensure the originality of their work. By following the steps outlined above you can easily check for potential plagiari and take the necessary action to ensure that your academic report is free of plagiari.

CrossCheck 学术报告英文论文查重免费流程

CrossCheck is an online plagiari detection service that allows users to check their academic papers for free. The process is simple and straightforward.

First, users upload their paper to the CrossCheck website. The paper is then analyzed using CrossCheck’s advanced algorithms. The algorithms compare the paper to millions of other papers in its database, and a report is generated which shows the percentage of plagiari in the paper.

Second, users can review the report and view the sources of any potential plagiari. This allows them to identify any potential issues and make the appropriate changes to their paper.

Third, if the user is satiied with the results of the report, they can submit their paper to the CrossCheck database. This allows other users to benefit from the original analysis and reduces the risk of plagiari.

Finally, the user can download a copy of their paper with the analysis results included. This allows them to use the report for further reference.

Overall, CrossCheck provides a fast and reliable way for users to check their academic papers for plagiari. The process is simple and straightforward, making it easy for users to quickly detect and address any potential issues.

Turnitin 学术报告英文论文查重步骤流程

Turnitin is an online plagiari detection software used by many universities and schools to measure and identify the similarity between student’s papers and other sources. Here is the step-by-step process of running a Turnitin report,

Firstly, the student uploads their paper to Turnitin. Once the submission is completed, Turnitin scans the paper for any unoriginal or plagiarized content. The software then generates a similarity score and a comprehensive report based on the content.

Secondly, the student reviews the reports. The report shows which parts of the paper are unoriginal and which sources it matches with. The student can then use the information to make any necessary changes to their paper.

Overall, using Turnitin helps to ensure the academic integrity of a student’s work and prevent plagiari. It provides students with the tools to check their work and make any relevant changes before final submission.