

turnitin查重是一款文献检索工具,主要用于检测文献内容是否存在重复,提高文献创作质量。turnitin查重支持多种文献格式,如DOC、DOCX、PDF、TXT等,可以完全检索文献中的内容,进行比较,检测文献内容是否存在重复,从而节省时间,提高文献创作质... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 5~10分钟。
数据库优势 查重报告
互联网数据,学位库,报纸、杂志库,法律法规数据库,外文文献及小语种论文数据库。 重复片段对照,引文标引,去除本人已发表,去除引用,重复来源显示。













1、选择检测版本,进入查重页面。 2、点击【选择文件】按钮上传待检论文或者使用复制粘贴功能输入论文全文。
3、点击“提交”进行检测。 4、提交后,页面会直接跳转至“检测报告”页面。
5、静等几分钟,等待查重完成。 6、查看turnitin检测报告,html版本报告用浏览器打开,pdf版本需要用pdf专业软件打开,doc版本直接用word打开。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字











Turnitin 国际论文英文文章查重多久时间

Turnitin is an international paper plagiari checking service which can help students and teachers detect plagiari in their papers. It is a powerful tool for academic integrity, and it can check for plagiari in a matter of seconds. This article will discuss how long it takes to check a paper, the accuracy of the results, and the features ailable to help users.

First, how long does it take to check a paper on Turnitin? Generally, it takes only a few seconds for Turnitin to scan a paper and detect plagiari. The time it takes to process a paper depends on the size of the paper and the number of sources that need to be searched. For example, a all paper with a few sources will take much less time than a large paper with many sources.

Second, how accurate are the results? Turnitin’s results are very reliable. Its algorithm is designed to detect similarities between a student’s paper and text from other sources, such as books, journals, and websites. It also checks for similarities between different versions of the same paper, so that students cannot cheat by submitting a slightly different version of their paper.

Finally, what features are ailable to help users? Turnitin provides a range of features to help users get the most out of the service. For example, users can set up custom alerts to receive email notifications when their paper is processed or when new sources are added to the database. Additionally, they can use the “Similarity Report” feature to view the matches between their paper and other sources. This feature helps users identify any areas where they may he inadvertently plagiarized.

In conclusion, Turnitin is an invaluable tool for detecting plagiari in papers. It is quick and reliable, and its features help users ensure the originality of their work. With Turnitin, students and teachers can be sure their papers are free of plagiari.

Turnitin 国际论文英文论文查重多少合格

Turnitin 是一款可以用于检测英文论文抄袭率的在线工具,它可以帮助学生与教师检查论文原创性,确保论文中没有抄袭内容。

Turnitin 可以检测出论文抄袭的百分比,只要论文的抄袭率低于 15% 就可以被认为是合格的。虽然 Turnitin 是一种可靠的工具,但它也有一些缺陷,比如它不能检测出非原创素材,比如图片、公式等,这些素材也可能被用于抄袭。

Turnitin 并不能检测出抄袭的原文,它只能给出抄袭的百分比,也就是说,如果论文的抄袭率在 15-20%之间,它也会被认为是合格的。

Turnitin 是一种可靠的工具,可以帮助学生与教师确保论文的原创性,同时也可以确保论文的抄袭率在 15%以下,这样才能被认为是合格的。

Turnitin 国际论文英文论文查重如何

Turnitin is an international paper checking system which is used to detect plagiari in written material. It compares submitted documents to a database of over 60 billion websites, millions of published works, and millions of student papers. It then produces a similarity score which indicates the percentage of the student's work that is considered to be similar to other sources.

Turnitin works by scanning a document for text that matches the content of other sources. It then produces a report which includes the percentage of the material that matches other sources, along with a list of the sources that the material was found to match. This makes it easy for teachers to quickly identify potential instances of plagiari and to take appropriate action.

Turnitin also has a number of other features which make it a useful tool for teachers. For example, it allows teachers to set up a class with specific parameters such as submitting deadlines, assignment types, and student groups. It also provides a range of options for grading submissions, including rubrics, peer review, and grading scales.

Overall, Turnitin is an effective tool for detecting and preventing plagiari. By providing teachers with an easy way to identify potential cases of plagiari, and a range of features for tracking and grading student work, it can help to ensure that all students are submitting their own work.

Turnitin 国际论文英文论文查重价位

Turnitin is an international paper plagiari checker. It adopts advanced plagiari detection algorithms to accurately detect plagiari in academic papers, so as to help schools, universities, and companies prevent plagiari.

The price of Turnitin depends on the usage plan. Generally, the price of the monthly plan is ¥19.99 and the annual plan is ¥159.99. The annual plan provides a more cost-effective service, since it can be used for an entire year. Moreover, Turnitin also provides customized services, which are more expensive but they can meet customers' needs better.

In addition, Turnitin also provides other services such as paper similarity checking and grammar checking. These services can help customers to check the similarity of their papers to others, as well as improve the quality of their papers. Therefore, Turnitin is an ideal choice for customers who need to check for plagiari and improve the quality of their papers.