

ithenticate论文检测系统由全球知名学术品牌——,ithenticate查重属于自主研发,是目前最权威的论文查重平台之一,采用国际领先的海量论文动态语义跨域识别加指纹比对技术,涵盖上亿篇文本资源,以每秒15万字的速率进行检测,能够快速、稳定、准确... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 五千字20s左右,高峰期可能有延时。
数据库优势 查重报告
图书,期刊,会议论文,学位论文,标准,专利,互联网网页,报纸库,个人自建库;整个平台收录超过300亿指纹数据。 全文报告主要体现了待检文章的文献相似度,重复文字以及重复的相似段落,并且按照上传论文的全貌,标出文献中相似的部分。




1.建设更丰富全面的 比对资源体系









1、选择所需查重系统,点击【立即查重】进入论文查重入口。 2、在论文提交界面,填写待检测论文的标题(篇名)和作者。如果要去除引用本人已发表文章的重复,请务必填写作者姓名。然后点击【开始上传】按钮上传待检论文。
3、付费自动检测。 4、等待报告,通常情况下1-5分钟,高峰期可能有延迟。
5、下载检测报告,报告用浏览器或者word、pdf文件打开。 6、ithenticate查重报告包括网页报告、ZIP离线报告和PDF简洁报告,用相应的软件打开即可。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字











iThenticate 学术报告英文文章查重价格是多少

iThenticate is an online plagiari detection software which helps to check the similarity of texts published by academic authors. It is a popular tool used by universities and research institutes to detect plagiari. The price of iThenticate varies based on the plan and the number of documents a user needs to check.

Firstly, iThenticate offers a free plan which allows users to check up to 10 documents each month. This free plan is suitable for users who need to check a all number of documents and do not require in-depth analysis.

Secondly, iThenticate offers a variety of paid plans which range from ¥29 per month to ¥499 per month. The paid plans offer more features such as unlimited document checks, detailed reports and advanced analytics. The price of these plans depends on the number of documents a user needs to check and the features they need.

Lastly, iThenticate also offers custom plans for users who need to check more than 5,000 documents per month. These plans are tailored to the specific needs of the user and the price for these plans is determined on a case-by-case basis.

In conclusion, the price of iThenticate depends on the number of documents a user needs to check and the features they need. There are plans for users with different needs and budgets.

iThenticate 学术报告英文文章查重价格

iThenticate is a plagiari checker and academic writing tool that helps academics, students, and professionals ensure the originality of their work. It is a cloud-based tool that can be used to compare documents against a database of millions of sources, such as journals, websites, and other documents.

The cost of iThenticate varies depending on the plan and features that you choose. The basic plan is free and provides a limited number of checks per month. This plan is suitable for casual users who need to check aller documents for plagiari.

The Pro plan is the most popular option and costs ¥6.95 per check. This plan is suitable for research teams and academics who need to check more documents for plagiari. It provides more checks per month, as well as additional features such as expanded database coverage and automated citation checking.

The Enterprise plan is designed for large organizations and universities who need to check a large number of documents. The cost of this plan is customized and is based on the number of documents that need to be checked.

iThenticate also offers an Academic Writing Tool, which helps users identify and correct common writing mistakes. This tool is ailable as an add-on to the Pro and Enterprise plans, and costs ¥2.95 per document.

Overall, the cost of iThenticate depends on the features and number of documents that you need to check. For casual users and aller research teams, the Pro plan is the most cost-effective option. Large organizations and universities may need to purchase the Enterprise plan for more comprehensive plagiari checking.

iThenticate 学术报告英文文章查重步骤

iThenticate is a powerful tool for academic writers to check the originality of their writing. Checking for plagiari is an important step in the process of researching and writing a paper. Here are the three steps for using iThenticate to check for plagiari,

First, the user needs to upload their document to the iThenticate system. The user can upload any type of document, including Microsoft Word, PDF, and HTML files. Once the document has been uploaded, iThenticate will scan the document and compare it to other sources on the internet. This comparison process will help to identify any instances of plagiari.

Second, the user needs to select a language and a matching level. The matching level will set the sensitivity of the scan. For example, if the user chooses a high matching level, the scan will be more sensitive and will detect more instances of plagiari.

Finally, the user needs to review the results of the scan. The results will show which parts of the document match other sources. The user will then need to review these matches to determine if they are acceptable or if they constitute plagiari. If the user finds any instances of plagiari, they will need to revise the document accordingly.

Using iThenticate to check for plagiari is a simple and effective way for academic writers to ensure that their work is original and free from plagiari. By following the three steps outlined above, users can quickly and easily scan their document for plagiari and make sure that their work is original and free from any instances of plagiari.

iThenticate 学术报告英文论文查重价格是多少
