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One of the most important aspects of writing an academic paper is reducing the risk of plagiari, which can be done in a variety of ways. The most effective method is to create original content. Some strategies that can be employed to reduce the chances of plagiari include the following.

1. Brainstorming, Before beginning to write, it is important to brainstorm ideas and to create an outline of the paper. This will help ensure that the paper is structured logically, and that all of the key points are addressed. When brainstorming, it is important to take notes and to cite any sources that were used.

2. Research, Research is an essential part of any academic paper, but it is also important to ensure that the sources are properly cited. When researching, it is important to use reliable and well-respected sources, and to oid any sources that are not scholarly. Taking notes while researching can also be helpful, as this will make it easier to cite sources later on.

3. Rewriting, When writing the paper, it is important to rewrite any ideas or quotes that are taken from another source. This will help to ensure that the paper is original and that the ideas are properly attributed.

4. Citations, When citing sources, it is important to use the correct referencing style. Different disciplines and universities he different styles, so it is important to check what style is required. When citing sources, it is important to include all of the necessary information, such as the author, the title, the year, and the publisher.

5. Paraphrasing, When possible, it is important to paraphrase the ideas of others rather than quoting them directly. This will help to ensure that the paper is original and that the ideas are properly attributed.

By following these strategies, it is possible to reduce the chances of plagiari and to ensure that the paper is original and well-written. By taking the time to properly research and cite sources, and to properly attribute any borrowed ideas, it is possible to reduce the chances of plagiari and to produce a high-quality paper.


In order to complete a succesul graduation essay and reduce the checking rate of the paper, there are three important points to consider.

Firstly, good research is essential. Before beginning to write the essay, it is important to do a thorough research on the topic. You should read and analyze the relevant literature, and make sure that all the information used in the paper is correct and up to date. This will help to reduce the possibility of plagiari and make sure that the paper is original and unique.

Secondly, it is important to use a variety of sources. Using multiple sources for the paper can help to reduce the checking rate of the paper. By obtaining information from different sources, you can ensure that the paper is unique and not based on the same source. This can also help to oid plagiari, as the paper will not be an exact copy of another source.

Finally, it is important to keep track of sources. In order to keep track of the sources used in the paper, you should always make sure to cite the sources correctly. Citing the sources correctly can help to ensure that the paper is not plagiarized and will help to reduce the checking rate of the paper.

In conclusion, a succesul graduation essay can be completed and the checking rate of the paper can be reduced by following these three important steps. Good research, using a variety of sources, and keeping track of sources are all essential in order to produce an original and unique paper. Following these steps will help to ensure that the paper is original and will help to reduce the checking rate of the paper.



