

paperpass查重是一款由paperpass集团推出的面向科研人员的查重工具,主要用于搜索学术论文和报告的相似度,为学术论文抄袭现象提供技术支持。它能够检测抄袭论文的重复率,发现与其他文献的相似度,并可以使用算法来提取重复的文本片段,以及检测文... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 7分钟左右高峰期或许延迟。
数据库优势 查重报告
上亿篇学术期刊、会议、硕士毕业论文、专利数据、报纸数据,覆盖国内核心刊物。 2个网页报告+1个PDF报告;其中2个网页报告:包含参考文献和不包含参考文献的报告。













1、点击paperpass查重入口,进行内容提交页面。 2、点击【选择文件】按钮上传待检论文或者使用复制粘贴功能输入论文全文。
3、确认计费金额,点击提交。 4、一般30分钟内出检测报告结果,高峰期由于订单量太大可能持续时间比较长。
5、输入订单编号,下载检测报告。 6、paperpass检测报告为压缩包,解压后用即可打开。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字












Graduation thesis reduction principle and checking duplication refer to the process of reducing the size of a graduation thesis while maintaining its quality and checking whether the contents of the thesis are duplicated.

Graduation thesis reduction principle is mainly to reduce the wordiness, repetitiveness and redundancy in the thesis, and the method of reduction is usually to delete or modify the redundant words and sentences. Generally, the reduction should be carried out from the aspects of vocabulary, grammar, syntax and logic.

The purpose of checking duplication is to oid plagiari. In the process of checking duplication, we can use the similarity detection software to compare the contents of the thesis with the existing documents in the database. If there is duplication, the software system can accurately detect the similarity and inform the author.

In short, the principle of reducing graduation thesis is to reduce the redundant words and sentences, so as to improve the overall quality of the thesis, while the purpose of checking duplication is to oid plagiari and ensure the originality of the thesis.


The academic paper is an important tool for scholars to record and share their academic achievements. In order to ensure the authenticity of the academic paper and oid the occurrence of plagiari, the principle of paper reduction and plagiari detection is used.

First of all, the paper reduction principle is used to reduce the similarity of the paper. The algorithm for paper reduction generally includes content reduction, word substitution, paraphrase, etc., which can decrease the similarity of the paper and make the paper more unique and complete.

Secondly, the plagiari detection principle is used to detect the similarity between the paper and other papers, and determine whether the paper is plagiarized. Generally, the plagiari detection algorithm is used, which can effectively detect the plagiari of the paper, and can also find out the original paper of the plagiari source.

In conclusion, the paper reduction principle and plagiari detection principle are important tools for the evaluation of academic papers. Through the use of these two principles, we can effectively evaluate the authenticity of the paper and oid the occurrence of plagiari.


1. Make sure you he a clear purpose. Before you start writing, determine what your purpose is for writing the paper. This will help you focus on the content you need to include and keep you on track.

2. Organize your thoughts. Before you start writing, make sure you he an organized plan for how you will structure the paper. Create an outline of your main points and organize them in a logical order.

3. Break up the writing process. Don’t try to write the entire paper in one sitting. Break it up into aller chunks and spread it out over a few days or weeks. This will allow you to review and refine each section as you go.

4. Avoid repetition. Try to find different ways to say the same thing. This will help you cut down on unnecessary words and keep your paper concise.

5. Edit ruthlessly. Once you he finished writing, go back and edit your paper. Cut out any content that is not necessary and look for ways to make your writing more concise.


Teaching weight reduction is a process that should be taken seriously. It is important to make sure that the students understand why it is important to reduce their weight and how to do it in a healthy way.

Firstly, it is important to emphasise the importance of healthy eating habits. This means introducing the concept of balanced nutrition and incorporating healthy snacks into their diets. It is also essential to encourage physical activity, such as walking or running, as part of a balanced lifestyle. This will help to build a foundation for the students to follow in order to reduce their weight.

Secondly, it is important for students to understand the importance of self-monitoring. This means setting realistic goals and tracking their progress. This allows the students to be more aware of their eating habits and physical activity levels. This will also help them to stay on track and motivate them to continue their efforts.

Thirdly, students should be taught about the importance of lifestyle changes. This includes making sure that they are getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, and oiding unhealthy habits such as oking or excessive drinking. This can help to ensure that they are taking the necessary steps to reduce their weight in a healthy manner.

Finally, it is important to emphasise the need for consistency. This means that the students should maintain their weight reduction efforts over a period of time. This will ensure that they are able to sustain their progress and achieve their desired goals.

In conclusion, teaching weight reduction should be taken seriously. It is important to ensure that the students understand why it is important to reduce their weight and how to do it in a healthy manner. By emphasising the importance of healthy eating habits, self-monitoring, lifestyle changes, and consistency, the students will be able to achieve their weight reduction goals.