

ithenticate检测系统自主研发的“基于滑动窗口的低频特征部分匹配算法”,能准确识别细微改动,兼顾查全、查准,ithenticate查重特点检测速度快,论文检测仅需一秒,由于速度快,检测范围广,价格实惠,ithenticate论文检测最大的优势就是价格便宜,速度快。 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 5~10分钟。
数据库优势 查重报告
互联网数据,学位库,报纸、杂志库,法律法规数据库,外文文献及小语种论文数据库。 查重报告格式丰富多样,设计精美,符合用户使用体验,便于修改查看。提供网页报告(适合在线查阅)、ZIP离线报告(不限时间、地点,随时随地查看)、PDF简明打印版报告(适合打印提交学校)。智能分析,提供修改建议和参考。













1、进入点击查重按钮,查重系统,点击【立即检测】。 2、填写题目、作者(选填)上传或粘贴您的文章。
3、点击【提交论文】按钮并进行支付。 4、等待5-20分钟左右(高峰时期可能要排队久点)。
5、可以点击左侧导航【下载检测报告】下载检测结果。 6、查看报告,ithenticate自动生成多份检测报告,提供修改意见,结果准确,来源详细。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字











iThenticate 学术报告英文文章查重多久时间

iThenticate is an online plagiari detection tool that helps users check their academic reports for potential plagiari. It works by scanning documents for potential plagiari and then providing a report that can be used to help identify any potential plagiari issues.

The speed of the process depends on the size and complexity of the document, but generally it takes a few minutes to scan a document. The report that is generated includes a list of any sources that appear to he been used, as well as a list of any publications that may he been plagiarized. It is then up to the user to determine whether or not the information has been properly cited and attributed.

If the user wishes to use iThenticate to check a document for plagiari, they can either upload the document or copy and paste the text into the system. Once the document has been uploaded or pasted, iThenticate will scan the document for potential plagiari and then generate a report that can be used to help identify any plagiari issues.

The process generally takes around 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the size of the document and the complexity of the content. If a user wishes to check a large document for plagiari, it may take longer than 10 minutes to generate the report. However, iThenticate does he an option to “rush” the scan, which can reduce the scan time to as little as one minute.

CrossCheck 学术报告英文文章查重多久时间




iThenticate 学术报告英文论文查重多久时间

iThenticate is a powerful plagiari detection tool that provides academic institutions and research organizations with a comprehensive and accurate plagiari report in a timely manner. With the help of this tool, one can easily detect plagiari or academic misconduct in their research papers and other academic documents.

The report generated by iThenticate typically takes about one to two hours to generate, depending on the size of the document and the number of sources that need to be scanned. Once the report is generated, it includes a detailed analysis of the similarities, sources, and plagiari in the document. This report can be used by the researchers to identify and remove any plagiarized content, if any. Moreover, the report can also be used to educate the authors on the importance of academic integrity and proper citation.

In conclusion, iThenticate is a valuable tool that provides quick, accurate, and comprehensive plagiari reports in a timely manner. It is an important tool for academic institutions and research organizations to ensure that their research papers and other documents are original and free of plagiari.

iThenticate 学术报告英文文章查重需要多久

iThenticate is an online plagiari detection and prevention service used by millions of researchers, students, and faculty. It is a powerful and easy-to-use tool that can help to quickly identify and prevent plagiari in a variety of documents, including academic papers, theses, dissertations, and more.

Using iThenticate to check for plagiari in an academic paper typically takes just a few minutes. First, the user must upload the document they want to scan. After upload, iThenticate will scan the document against its database of over 60 billion webpages and other published material. Depending on the size of the document, this process may take a few seconds or a few minutes.

Once the scan is complete, the user can then review the results. All matches found by the scan are presented in an easy-to-read report, which highlights the exact sections of text that were found to be similar or identical to other sources. The user can then investigate further to determine if the matches are legitimate or if there is a case of plagiari.

iThenticate also provides users with access to a range of additional features. These features include the ability to add notes and comments to documents, as well as the ability to generate a citation report. This report can be used to quickly generate a list of citations for the matches found in the scan.

Overall, iThenticate is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for quickly identifying and preventing plagiari. It typically takes just a few minutes to scan a document and review the results, making it a great option for students and researchers looking to ensure their work is original and well-sourced.