

turnitin查重是一款面向学术研究者的论文查重工具,支持多种论文格式和学科领域的查重。它可以帮助作者检测论文的查重率,并可以快速发现论文中的抄袭部分。turnitin查重能够从全球学术资源、网络资源和学术期刊获取论文,构建论文查重数据库,对论... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 平均5分钟左右。
数据库优势 查重报告
学位论文库,中文期刊库,互联网资源,共享资源库,自建数据库,以及9000多万篇学术期刊,5000多万篇学位论文,超10亿互联网资源。 简单报告主要体现了待检测文章的主要基本信息以及相似文献的详细列表。













1、选择检测系统,点击查重按钮,进行查重页面。 2、点击选择文件,上传论文(Word格式)或者复制粘贴需要查重的论文。
3、点击“提交”进行检测。 4、等待报告,通常情况下1-5分钟,高峰期可能有延迟。
5、输入订单编号,下载检测报告。 6、核查turnitin检测报告,自动生成五种检测报告单,并支持PDF、网页等浏览格式。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字











Turnitin 学术报告英文文章查重怎么样

Turnitin as an Academic Report Plagiari Checker

Plagiari is a major problem in academia, and checking for plagiari has become a necessity for any academic report. Turnitin is one of the most widely used tools to check for plagiari in academic reports. This essay will discuss the features of Turnitin that make it the preferred choice for plagiari checking, how it can be used effectively, and the limitations of Turnitin.

First, Turnitin is a powerful tool for detecting plagiarized content and is used by many universities and schools. It has a very large database of online sources and journals, and it also has a large repository of previously submitted papers. This allows it to quickly compare a document against these sources and identify any potential plagiari. Additionally, it has a powerful algorithm that can identify subtle similarities between documents, which makes it more effective at detecting plagiari than other tools.

Second, Turnitin can be used effectively for academic reports. It is easy to use and can be set up to automatically check documents against its database. It also generates reports that are easy to understand and can help identify areas where plagiari has occurred. It also provides feedback to help the user understand how to improve their writing and oid plagiari in the future.

Finally, Turnitin has some limitations. It cannot detect plagiari in documents that are not in its database, such as self-published works. Additionally, it cannot detect intentional plagiari, as it relies on algorithms to detect similarities. Finally, it can sometimes flag false positives, which can lead to mistakes in its reports.

In conclusion, Turnitin is an excellent tool for checking for plagiari in academic reports. It has a large database and powerful algorithms for detecting similarities, and its reports are easy to understand. However, it cannot detect all types of plagiari, and it can generate false positives. Nevertheless, it is still the preferred choice for plagiari checking in academia.

Turnitin 学术报告英文文章查重原理和查重规则是什么

Turnitin 学术报告英文文章查重是一种评估学术文章中学术道德的工具。它的基本原理是通过比较正在检查的文章与数十亿篇学术资料和网络内容的相似性来判断是否有剽窃行为。

Turnitin 查重规则是用于识别抄袭和剽窃行为的工具。它会搜索和分析学术文章中的每个单词,以查看它们是否出现在其他来源中。如果文章中的某些单词出现在其他文章或其他在线资源中,Turnitin 就会将它们标记为“可疑”。

Turnitin 还会检查学术文章中的语法,结构和句法,以查看文章的组织和风格是否与其他文章相似。如果发现有类似的文章,Turnitin 将给出相似度报告,以帮助评估学术文章的原创性。

Turnitin 最终会给出一个分数,以衡量文章与其他数据库中的文章之间的相似度。如果分数超过 20%,则表明文章中可能存在抄袭或剽窃行为。

Turnitin 学术报告英文文章查重价格



Turnitin 学术报告英文文章查重靠谱吗

Yes, Turnitin is an effective academic paper plagiari checker. It is an online platform that can be used to detect the presence of plagiari in academic papers. It allows users to compare their paper with billions of sources, including books, articles, websites, and other documents. The system then generates an “originality report” which highlights any potential plagiari.

Turnitin is widely used by educators, universities and other educational institutions to check the originality of student's work. It is also used to determine whether a research paper is original, or if it has been copied from other sources. As a result, Turnitin is a trusted source to use when checking the authenticity of an academic paper.

The tool works by comparing the text of a student's paper with those of other sources. If the system finds a match, it will flag the text and note where the matching text came from. This makes it easy to identify any plagiari that has occurred.

Turnitin is also very user-friendly. It is simple to use and can be accessed from any computer or device with an internet connection. The system also provides detailed explanations of its results, which can be helpful for students and instructors alike.

In conclusion, using Turnitin for academic paper plagiari checking is reliable and effective. It is a trusted source that provides detailed explanations and is easy to use.