

ithenticate查重是国内首家综合性学术查重服务提供商,为学术研究者、学校、机构提供综合的查重服务。ithenticate查重的查重服务覆盖了国内外各类学术文献,包括论文、报告、学位论文等,以及语言范围涉及中文、英文等多种语言。ithenticate查重的... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 5万字以内,平均5分钟左右。
数据库优势 查重报告
全球最大英语、学位、期刊库:3亿份归档文稿、千万周刊书籍杂志学术期刊,毕业留学生/投稿/国内毕业生。 多份检测报告,安全无痕迹。













1、点击ithenticate查重入口,进行内容提交页面。 2、填写待检测论文的标题(篇名)和作者。如果要去除引用本人已发表文章的重复,请务必填写作者姓名。
3、选择支付方式,支付查重费用。 4、系统开始检测,5万字以内,平均5分钟。
5、可以点击左侧导航【下载检测报告】下载检测结果。 6、查看报告,ithenticate自动生成多份检测报告,提供修改意见,结果准确,来源详细。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字











iThenticate 学术报告英文文章查重入口

iThenticate is a powerful plagiari detection software that helps users to check the originality of academic and professional documents. It is widely used by universities, publishers and corporations around the world.

iThenticate can be used to detect plagiari in academic and professional documents. It uses sophisticated algorithms to compare the text of each document with a massive database of published and unpublished sources, including journals, newspapers, books, websites and other online resources. After scanning the document, it will generate a report that highlights any possible issues of plagiari. The user can then review the report and make any necessary changes to the document.

In addition to detecting plagiari, iThenticate also provides users with a variety of other features. It offers users a comprehensive set of tools to improve the quality of their work, including grammar and spelling checking, custom dictionaries and style guides. It also provides an easy-to-use interface that allows users to quickly and easily upload, review and make changes to their documents. Finally, it provides a secure platform that ensures that documents remain private and secure.

Overall, iThenticate is a powerful and reliable tool for detecting and preventing plagiari. It is easy to use and provides a comprehensive set of features that make it an invaluable resource for academics, professionals and students alike.

iThenticate 学术报告英文文章查重步骤

iThenticate is a powerful tool for academic writers to check the originality of their writing. Checking for plagiari is an important step in the process of researching and writing a paper. Here are the three steps for using iThenticate to check for plagiari,

First, the user needs to upload their document to the iThenticate system. The user can upload any type of document, including Microsoft Word, PDF, and HTML files. Once the document has been uploaded, iThenticate will scan the document and compare it to other sources on the internet. This comparison process will help to identify any instances of plagiari.

Second, the user needs to select a language and a matching level. The matching level will set the sensitivity of the scan. For example, if the user chooses a high matching level, the scan will be more sensitive and will detect more instances of plagiari.

Finally, the user needs to review the results of the scan. The results will show which parts of the document match other sources. The user will then need to review these matches to determine if they are acceptable or if they constitute plagiari. If the user finds any instances of plagiari, they will need to revise the document accordingly.

Using iThenticate to check for plagiari is a simple and effective way for academic writers to ensure that their work is original and free from plagiari. By following the three steps outlined above, users can quickly and easily scan their document for plagiari and make sure that their work is original and free from any instances of plagiari.

iThenticate 学术报告英文文章查重免费流程

iThenticate is an online tool for checking academic reports for plagiari. Here is a brief guide on how to use it for free.

First, visit the official website and click on the “Free Plagiari Checker” button. You will be directed to a page where you can upload the file you want to check for plagiari. You can also paste the text directly into the text area provided.

Second, once the file has been uploaded, iThenticate will scan your document for any plagiarized content. It will then provide a report with the percentage of plagiari detected. This report can be viewed online or downloaded as a PDF file.

Finally, after viewing the report, you may decide to re-submit the document or take other corrective measures to reduce the percentage of plagiari. You can also use iThenticate’s “Suggested Citation” feature to properly cite any content that has been identified as plagiarized. This will help ensure that you are properly attributing any sources used in your report.