

ithenticate查重是一款专业的文献查重软件,它能够帮助用户快速准确的检测文献中的相似度,并且能够在多种数据库中查询,为用户提供可靠的文献查重服务。ithenticate查重拥有全球化的技术支持,其强大的技术团队可以为用户提供及时有效的服务,以及... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 5万字以上,每万字平均1分钟。
数据库优势 查重报告
学术不端论文检测系统,系统含100000000篇中文文献,1000万篇各类文献,300万港澳台地区学术文献4000万篇英文文献资源本科、专科、硕士、博士、职称、期刊、MBA论文。 检测报告指标详细,提供原创率、抄袭率、引用率、字数统计、参考文献字数统计等数据,给用户最直观的展现。













1、准备word论文进入检测页面。 2、点击【选择文件】按钮上传待检论文或者使用复制粘贴功能输入论文全文。
3、点击“下一步”,确认送检文档信息。 4、提交后,页面会直接跳转至“检测报告”页面。
5、可以点击左侧导航【下载检测报告】下载检测结果。 6、查看ithenticate检测报告,html版本报告用浏览器打开,pdf版本需要用pdf专业软件打开,doc版本直接用word打开。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字












Online plagiari checker websites are becoming increasingly popular as a tool for ensuring academic integrity. With the help of these websites, students can easily check their work for plagiari and ensure that they are submitting original, unique work.

First, it is important to understand what plagiari is and how it can affect academic integrity. Plagiari occurs when an individual takes credit for the ideas, words, or work of another without giving due credit to the original author. This can be intentional or unintentional, but either way, it is considered an unethical practice. Additionally, plagiari can he serious consequences for the author, from a loss of credibility to expulsion from school or even legal action.

Second, it is important to understand how online plagiari checker websites work. These websites are designed to scan through a student’s written work, searching for any potential plagiari. The websites will then provide the student with a report, which can be used to identify any suspicious material. This information can then be used to revise the work and ensure it is unique and original.

Finally, it is important to understand the benefits of using online plagiari checker websites. These websites can be incredibly helpful in ensuring that students are submitting original work. Additionally, they can be an invaluable tool for teachers who want to ensure the academic integrity of their students. The websites can also help students se time, as they can quickly and easily scan their work for plagiari, rather than manually checking for any potential copied material.

In conclusion, online plagiari checker websites can be a great tool for any student or teacher looking to ensure academic integrity. These websites can quickly and easily scan a student’s work for any potential plagiari, and they can provide the student with a detailed report that can be used to revise their work. Additionally, these websites can be an invaluable tool for teachers, as they can help ensure their students are submitting original work.


The development of science and technology has brought us great convenience, but it has also caused the phenomenon of repeated words in academic papers. In order to reduce this phenomenon, we can take the following measures.

First, when writing a paper, we should focus on the theme, and try to oid redundant words. We should be concise and to the point. Secondly, when writing a paper, we should read more and think more. We should try to use the existing words in an appropriate way, instead of repeating the same words. Thirdly, when writing a paper, we should pay attention to the structure of the paper. Proper arrangement of the text can help us to oid the phenomenon of repeated words.

In addition, we can also use some tools to help us reduce the repetition rate of words. For example, we can use a thesaurus to help us find synonyms for the words we use in the paper. This can help us to oid repeating the same words. We can also use an online grammar checker to help us to identify any redundant words in our paper.

Finally, we should also pay attention to the style of writing. We should not just write something for the sake of filling the paper. We should try to make our writing concise and easy to understand. This can help us to reduce the repetition rate of words in our paper.