

ithenticate论文检测专家是全球首个面向开发的文本相似度对比检测系统,基于国内最大中文文献资源库(总文献量超过100000000篇)以及数十亿的中英文互联网网页,ithenticate查重提供最精准的论文抄袭检测自查服务,系统自推出以来已经获得超过1000... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 通常情况下1-5分钟,高峰期可能有延迟。
数据库优势 查重报告
互联网资源库(实时更新);5000万+篇学位论文;历年中文期刊库;博士/硕士学位论文全文数据库;高校自建资源库;外文文献及小语种。 2个网页报告+1个PDF报告;其中2个网页报告:包含参考文献和不包含参考文献的报告。













1、点击【立即检测】进入ithenticate查重系统,选择【检测版本】。 2、填写文章作者的信息,并且将文章的信息复制到文章内容查看框内。
3、点击提交检测,开始检测论文。 4、上传成功后,一般半小时内即可检测完成。
5、查重完成后,点击下载检测报告。 6、ithenticate检测报告为压缩包,解压后用即可打开。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字











CrossCheck 学术报告英文文章查重一次多少钱

Using CrossCheck to Check Academic Reports for Plagiari can be quite expensive. Here are a few points to consider when pricing out the service,

1. Number of Documents, The cost of using CrossCheck to check academic reports for plagiari will vary depending on the number of documents that need to be checked. Generally, the more documents that need to be scanned, the higher the cost.

2. Quality of Service, CrossCheck offers different levels of service, each with its own price tag. The higher level of service will be more expensive, but will also offer more in-depth checking of documents for plagiari.

3. Turnaround Time, Depending on the turnaround time required, the cost can vary dramatically. Rush orders will generally be more expensive, while orders with a longer turnaround time will usually be less expensive.

Overall, the cost of using CrossCheck to check academic reports for plagiari can vary greatly depending on the number of documents, the quality of service, and the turnaround time required. It's important to carefully consider each of these factors before making a decision on the cost.

CrossCheck 学术报告英文文章查重原理和查重规则是什么

CrossCheck is an academic plagiari checking tool used to detect and prevent plagiari in scholarly works. It is based on the internationally recognized standards for originality and provides an efficient and accurate way to evaluate the originality of scholarly works.

The principle of CrossCheck is to compare the content of a scholarly work to the content of published material, in order to identify any copied or similar passages. It uses multiple algorithms and technologies to detect instances of plagiari, such as text comparison, pattern recognition, and statistical analysis.

The rules of CrossCheck are designed to ensure that all sources are properly cited and that all content is original. It requires authors to provide references and citations for all sources used, and it also checks for any similarities between the submitted work and any previously published material. Additionally, it checks for any instances of self-plagiari or the use of the same material in multiple papers.

CrossCheck 学术报告英文文章查重流程

CrossCheck academic paper plagiari check process is an effective way to detect plagiari in academic papers. The process includes the following three steps,

First, the document is scanned by the CrossCheck system. This system uses the iThenticate software to compare the document with millions of webpages, publications, and databases. It then generates a report showing the potential areas of plagiari.

Second, the report is reviewed by an editor. The editor reads through the report and checks for any potential plagiari. If any areas of plagiari are found, the editor will contact the author and ask them to redo the work using original sources.

Third, the author is requested to submit a new document. The document is then scanned again using the CrossCheck system. If the new document is found to be free from plagiari, it is then accepted for publication.

This three-step process helps to ensure the authenticity of academic papers. In addition, the process helps to protect the reputation of the authors, publishers, and the academic community. Moreover, it also helps to prevent the misuse of academic materials, which can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, CrossCheck academic paper plagiari check process is an effective way to detect plagiari in academic papers.