

ithenticate查重是一款专业的查重工具,旨在帮助用户快速、准确地查找出文献中重复出现的部分,以便用户能够最大程度地减少重复内容的发生。它支持多种文献格式,包括文字、PDF、图片等,可以帮助用户检测出文献中重复出现的部分,以便用户能够最大... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 5~10分钟。
数据库优势 查重报告
全球最大英语、学位、期刊库:3亿份归档文稿、千万周刊书籍杂志学术期刊,毕业留学生/投稿/国内毕业生。 通过对上传文献的详细分析后自动生成检测报告,包括网页报告、全文报告、简单报告和详细报告。













1、准备word论文进入检测页面。 2、点击选择文件,上传论文(Word格式)或者复制粘贴需要查重的论文。
3、点击【提交检测】进行支付流程。 4、提交后,页面会直接跳转至“检测报告”页面。
5、可以点击左侧导航【下载检测报告】下载检测结果。 6、下载ithenticate检测报告并解压查看详情。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字












Academic misconduct is a serious issue facing the academic world. With the development of technology, it has become increasingly easy to plagiarize, leading to an increase in academic dishonesty. As a result, it is essential to employ academic paper plagiari checking to ensure the integrity of academic research.

Firstly, academic paper plagiari checking can protect the originality of academic research. With the ailability of numerous online resources and the proliferation of digital material, it is easy to copy-and-paste someone else’s work and pass it off as one’s own. Academic paper plagiari checking can detect this type of behior, ensuring that academic research is original and that authors are properly credited for their work.

Secondly, academic paper plagiari checking can help to maintain academic integrity. Academic research should be based on originality and accuracy, and plagiari can damage the credibility of both the author and the institution. By using academic paper plagiari checking, it is possible to detect any plagiari and take the necessary steps to prevent it from happening in the future.

In conclusion, academic paper plagiari checking is an essential tool for protecting the integrity of academic research. By using this tool, it is possible to maintain the originality of academic research and to ensure that academic integrity is upheld.


Academic misconduct is a serious issue that needs to be addressed by universities. It can range from cheating on exams and plagiari to fabrication of data and fraudulent authorship.

Cheating on exams is a form of academic misconduct in which students attempt to gain an unfair advantage by using unauthorized materials or inappropriate behior. This includes using notes or textbooks during an exam, copying answers from another student, or deliberately providing incorrect information to the examiners. Plagiari is also a form of academic misconduct and involves using someone else’s work without giving credit. This includes copying entire passages from another source without citing the source, or paraphrasing another source’s ideas without giving credit.

Fabrication of data and fraudulent authorship are also forms of academic misconduct. Fabrication involves inventing or altering results and data for the purpose of obtaining desired results. Fraudulent authorship is when someone claims authorship of a work that was written or created by someone else. Both of these forms of misconduct can lead to serious consequences if discovered.

It is important for universities to take steps to prevent academic misconduct from occurring. This includes providing clear guidelines for academic integrity and making sure students are aware of the consequences of cheating or plagiari. It also includes implementing policies and procedures to detect and address any instances of misconduct. Taking steps to prevent and address academic misconduct is essential in order to maintain the integrity of the university and its academic standards.


Academic misconduct is an unethical practice that violates the code of conduct for academic institutions. It can take many forms, such as plagiari, fabrication, or falsification of results. In recent years, the number of cases of academic misconduct has been on the rise, and this can he serious consequences for the academic community.

First, academic misconduct undermines the quality of research. Plagiari and other forms of misconduct can lead to flawed results or conclusions that are not based on sound evidence. This can lead to a loss of credibility for the academic institution and its researchers, which can ultimately damage the reputation of the institution and the field of study.

Second, academic misconduct can he serious consequences for the students involved. It can lead to a loss of scholarships or other opportunities, or even expulsion from the academic institution. Even if the student is not expelled, they can still face stigma and may find it difficult to find employment or continue their studies in the future.

Overall, academic misconduct is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. Institutions should work to create an environment where misconduct is not tolerated and students are encouraged to be honest and ethical in their research and academic pursuits.