

turnitin查重是收录海量中外文资源的文献检索系统,可以查询学术文献、学位论文、报纸、期刊等多种资源,同时还提供详细的信息检索、查重服务。turnitin查重的检索功能支持全文检索和元数据检索,实现高效筛选,支持结果排序和筛选,节省比较时间。... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 通常情况下1-5分钟,高峰期可能有延迟。
数据库优势 查重报告
学位论文库,中文期刊库,互联网资源,共享资源库,自建数据库,以及9000多万篇学术期刊,5000多万篇学位论文,超10亿互联网资源。 查重报告格式多样,便于修改查看。智能分析,提供修改建议和参考。













1、点击【立即检测】进入turnitin查重系统,选择【检测版本】。 2、复制粘贴全文或者上传文件,支持PDF格式与word(doc或docx)格式,尽量用word格式或者粘贴形式。
3、选择支付方式,支付查重费用。 4、提交论文成功后,通常情况下30分钟左右(高峰时期可能要排队一至两小时甚至更长)。
5、下载检测报告(也可以稍后通过“报告下载”获取您的查重报告)。 6、下载的turnitin查重报告为压缩文件,解压缩后用浏览器或者PDF工具打开报告即可查看,完成检测。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字












Turnitin is an online plagiari detection software used to identify potential instances of plagiari. It is often used by instructors to check submitted assignments for potential plagiari. It works by comparing submitted documents against a vast database of web pages, articles, and other documents. If there are any matches, it will identify them and provide a percentage of the document that matches.

The way Turnitin works is that it examines the text of a document and looks for similarities to other texts. It does not just look for exact matches, but instead looks for patterns in the text that may indicate plagiari. For example, if two documents he the same sentence structure, Turnitin may flag them as plagiarized. Additionally, if a student has copied and pasted a sentence from a website, Turnitin may detect this and alert the instructor to the potential plagiari.

In order to reduce the likelihood of plagiari, Turnitin offers several strategies. One way is to use the “Originality Report” feature. This feature provides an analysis of a student’s document and highlights any potential matches. This allows instructors to quickly identify any suspicious activity and investigate further. Additionally, instructors can set up “Safe Assign” which provides a more comprehensive analysis of a student’s document and allows instructors to easily determine the originality of the document.

Finally, Turnitin also provides a “Similarity Index” which shows the percentage of a document that matches other documents in the Turnitin database. This helps instructors quickly identify how much of the document may be copied from other sources.

Overall, Turnitin is a powerful tool for instructors to identify potential plagiari in submitted assignments. It provides several features to help instructors detect suspicious activity and investigate further. Additionally, the Similarity Index allows instructors to quickly and easily determine the originality of a document.


CrossCheck is a tool used to check for duplicated content in text-based documents. It is particularly useful for authors who are writing for a publication, as it can help them oid plagiari.

CrossCheck works by comparing the text of the document with a database of previously published material. It looks for any words, phrases, or sentences that appear to be identical or very similar to material that has been published elsewhere. If it finds a match, it will alert the author to the potential problem and suggest appropriate changes to make the text original.

CrossCheck is an invaluable tool for authors, as it can help them oid plagiari and ensure that the content they produce is unique and original. It can also be used to help ensure that any content that is used from external sources is properly attributed and credited. This can help to ensure that authors are not infringing on others’ intellectual property rights and that they are properly respecting copyright laws.

CrossCheck is relatively easy to use and can be a great way to check for duplicated content in documents quickly and easily. It is also a useful tool for editors and publishers, as it can help them to identify potential problems with a document before it is published.

Overall, CrossCheck is an invaluable tool for authors, editors, and publishers alike. It can help to ensure that any text-based documents are original and free of plagiari, and can help to ensure that external sources are properly attributed and credited.


iThenticate is a powerful plagiari detection software that helps researchers, students, and professionals detect potential plagiari within their documents. It can be used to check any kind of text-based document, including research papers, essays, and presentations.

iThenticate works by comparing a document to billions of webpages and published works. It looks for phrases, sentences, and paragraphs that are similar to those found in other sources. Once it finds any matches, it provides a detailed report with information about the source and the degree of similarity.

The software is easy to use, and can be integrated with existing online platforms, such as Microsoft Word and Google Docs. It also allows users to customize their settings for added flexibility. For example, users can choose to ignore common words, or the words that appear most frequently in their document. They can also set a minimum similarity threshold for the matches that are found.

The software is extremely useful for detecting plagiari, as it can help ensure that writers are giving proper credit to their sources. It also helps writers to oid unintentional plagiari, as they can review their work before submitting it.

iThenticate is a reliable and effective tool for detecting plagiari. It is an invaluable resource for writers and researchers who wish to ensure that their work is original and properly credited. Additionally, its easy-to-use interface and customizable settings make it a useful tool for anyone who needs to check the originality of their texts.