

ithenticate查重是一款专业的文献查重工具,旨在帮助学术界解决学术不端行为。它专门针对文献内容查重,并可检测文献中的文字、图片、公式等内容。它可以查出文献中的内容是否存在抄袭行为,从而有效地防止文献被抄袭。ithenticate查重还可以检测多... 详细

支持语言语种 检测需要多久
中文与英文等小语种 5-10分钟,高峰期有延时。
数据库优势 查重报告
上亿篇学术期刊、会议、学位论文、专利数据、报纸数据,覆盖国内核心刊物、主要会议以及优秀报纸,千万级具有学术价值的网络资源。 提供简明报告和全文比对报告的在线查看和下载,检测报告包含多维度检测指标。




1.建设更丰富全面的 比对资源体系









1、选择检测系统,点击查重按钮,进行查重页面。 2、在论文提交界面,填写待检测论文的标题(篇名)和作者。如果要去除引用本人已发表文章的重复,请务必填写作者姓名。然后点击【开始上传】按钮上传待检论文。
3、选择微信或者支付宝扫码支付,点击【提交论文】按钮。 4、点击【提交检测】,提交成功后等待系统检测完成(检测时间一般为30-60分钟,高峰期时间有所廷长,具体可以跟联系确认)。
5、点击下载检测报告即可。 6、查看ithenticate检测报告,html版本报告用浏览器打开,pdf版本需要用pdf专业软件打开,doc版本直接用word打开。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字












The issue of plagiari in academic writing has been an ongoing concern for both educators and students over the years. Checking the originality of a student's work is important to ensure that the ideas and language used are the student's own, and not copied from another source. This is why checking the plagiari rate of an essay or paper is a necessary step in the evaluation process.

The most reliable and efficient way to check the plagiari rate of an essay or paper is to use an online plagiari checker. This type of software will compare the text of the essay or paper to a massive database of other works, and allow the user to see how much of the text has been copied from another source. The user can then take steps to correct the plagiari if necessary.

Aside from online software, teachers and students can also check for plagiari by reading the work carefully and comparing it to other sources. This method is more time-consuming, but it can be useful for catching aller sections of copied text. Additionally, teachers can also use their own experience to identify copied work.

In conclusion, checking the plagiari rate of an essay or paper is a necessary step in the evaluation process. There are two primary methods used to do this, using an online plagiari checker, or using careful reading and comparison to other sources. Both methods he their own advantages and should be used together for the best results.


Step 1, Write a Rough Draft

Start by writing a rough draft of your paper. This draft should include all of the main points and arguments you want to make in your paper. It should also include any research and evidence you plan to use. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling mistakes. You can fix those later.

Step 2, Revise

Once you he a rough draft, start revising it. Read through the paper and make sure your points are clear and logical. Make sure all of your facts and evidence are accurate. Make sure the paper flows in a logical order.

Step 3, Edit

Once you’re happy with the content of your paper, it’s time to edit it. Look for any grammar and spelling mistakes. Check for any typos or incorrect punctuation. Make sure all of your sentences are clear and concise.

Step 4, Proofread

Once you’ve finished editing, it’s time to proofread. Read through the paper one last time and make sure everything is perfect. Pay special attention to any areas where you may he made mistakes. Print out a hard copy of the paper and read it as well.

Step 5, Finalize

Once you’re happy with the paper, it’s time to finalize it. Format the paper according to the instructions provided. Make sure all of the citations are correct and all of the sources are properly cited. Once you’ve done this, you can submit your paper.


CrossCheck is an online plagiari detection service developed by CrossRef, a leading global network of independent scholarly publishers. The service uses a sophisticated algorithm to scan text for any potential matches against published works, and can be used to identify plagiari or to check the originality of an academic paper.

CrossCheck works by comparing the text of a document to an online database of published works. The database includes more than 70 million scientific and scholarly articles, books, and other materials. When a document is submitted for checking, the algorithm looks for similarities between the text and the existing database. It then produces a report detailing any matches that are detected, including their context, frequency, and the degree of similarity.

CrossCheck also offers a variety of other features, such as the ability to set up custom alert thresholds and to filter out common phrases and words. This allows users to tailor the system to suit their own needs, such as to identify cases of plagiari in student papers. The service is ailable for use by both individuals and institutions, and is currently used by over 10,000 publishers worldwide.


In this paper, we present a new approach to the development of a sustainable energy system for rural areas. We argue that this approach can provide a cost-effective and practical solution to the energy needs of rural communities.

The traditional approach to energy development in rural areas has been to rely on large-scale, centralized energy sources such as coal or natural gas. However, these sources are not only expensive but also require significant infrastructure investments. Furthermore, they are often limited in ailability and difficult to access in remote rural areas.

In contrast, our proposed approach focuses on the development of all-scale, decentralized energy sources. This includes renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal. These sources he the potential to provide cost-effective and reliable energy to rural areas without the need for large infrastructure investments. Furthermore, they can be easily deployed in remote areas, providing energy access to those who would otherwise be unable to access traditional energy sources.

In addition, our approach emphasizes the development of energy storage technologies. These technologies are essential for ensuring the security and reliability of energy supply in rural areas. They can also help to reduce the cost of energy production and consumption by allowing for more efficient use of energy sources.

Finally, our approach emphasizes energy efficiency measures. This includes the use of energy-efficient appliances and energy-sing design principles. These measures can help reduce energy consumption while also providing economic benefits to rural households.

Overall, our proposed approach is a practical and cost-effective solution to the energy needs of rural communities. It can provide access to reliable and secure energy sources while also reducing energy costs and promoting energy efficiency. We believe that this approach can be succesully implemented in rural areas, providing a sustainable and secure energy system for rural communities.